Chapter 32- Grimoire Heart

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A/N: Here's the extra chapter I promised for the 100 ⭐️'s, and I gave you an extra long one to celebrate this book also reaching 2K reads!!! So, enjoy the chapter!!!

***Rachel's p.o.v***

"Spirit Blow!" I shouted punching away another goon. I tried to catch my breath, before another goon attempts to hit me from behind, before I sent him back with a blast of my magic, knocking a few goons away with him.

'They just keep coming!' I thought exasperatedly.

After knocking a few more away, I heard the ringing of my lacrima from inside my backpack. "Prism!" I shouted gaining her attention.

She gets the idea and grabs the lacrima from my backpack and holds it up while I answered it, all while continuing to battle the surrounding goons.

"Rachel!" Lisanna shouts in a panic.

"Lisanna! Thank goodness! I've been trying to get a hold of you forever! What's going on? These goons are everywhere!" I shouted, punching another goon away.

"Grimoire Heart is attacking the island!" Lisanna exclaims.

"Grimo- who?" I questioned confused.

"Grimoire Heart. There the top guild within the Balam alliance. Their attacking the entire island! Rachel! I need your help; Mira's been hurt badly!" Lisanna choked tears rolling down her cheeks.

"What?!" I shouted freezing in place.

"Mira's been hurt- Rachel look out!" Lisanna shouts in a panic.

Not moving, I brought up my fist and punched the goon behind me, while absorbing the information Lisanna just told me. I turned back to Lisanna and say angrily, "Give me 30 seconds."

Lisanna stays silent as I flipped back into the air and landed right in the middle of all the goons in my area.

"Spirit Pulse!" I shouted, sending a magic pulse through the ground as I landed, knocking out all the goons around me at once. I rushed back over to the crying Lisanna and took the lacrima from Prism.

"Alright Lisanna What happened?" I questioned her seriously.

"She- she protected me. I should have listened, but I-"

"Lisanna," I said cutting her off. "You need to calm down. Take a deep breath and try again," I said seriously.

Lisanna takes a deep breath, calms down and says, "One of the members of Grimoire Heart attacked us. He trapped and used me as bait to get Mira to fight him. Mira took the explosion from his attack for me, to protect me. Now she's badly injured and I don't know what to do."

"Is she breathing?" I questioned.


"Lisanna, these are yes or no questions," I said firmly, interrupting her. We didn't have time for a long explanation.

"Yes," Lisanna responds.

"Lightly or Heavily?"

"Lightly," Lisanna answers.

"Alright Lisanna. Here's what your gonna do. You're going to bandage up any open wounds, lie Mira down flat, and protect the injured. If any other injured members show up you will do the same thing," I order her.

"But-" Lisanna starts.

"Lisanna, I'm a little ways away from the base camp. It's going to take me a bit to get back there, especially with this dark guild roaming around everywhere. That means you need to take charge and protect the injured until I can get back there. Once I get back, I will fully treat everyone's injuries, but until then you have to hold down the fort. Can you do that?" I asked her seriously.

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