Chapter 7 - Getting To Know You

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update last week. I was so overwhelmed with homework, but now I got it all done and I'm back on track with the story so enjoy!!!

***Freed's p.o.v***

I sent a few punches towards Rachel as she quickly dodged them, throwing in her own attacks. I quickly blocked her attacks and paused for a bit to catch my breath. After only a week of basics she's already improved greatly from what she was before. She's not leaving herself as open as before at least. "Let's take a break," I suggest. She nods and we walk over to our bags for a drink. "By the way . . . I've been meaning to ask you. . ." I start.

"Hmm?" she responds turning to me.

"How are you able to move around that quickly?" I ask. "You move around so fast its almost as if you aren't even touching the ground," I ask puzzled.

She chuckles saying, "Well that's because . . . in a way, I'm not." I blink in confusion and raise my brows in question at her statement. "When I was living in the forest, I learned to adapt to the terrain of the forest and found out that a way to travel quickly was through the trees. Although, I found out quickly that this wasn't so easy. Putting your entire weight onto one tree branch would inevitably make it snap, making you fall. So, I figured out a way to project myself at the exact point of contact allowing myself to move quickly and swiftly. That way, if the branch does snap it would be after I have already left it, so it wouldn't matter. After doing it for years I got pretty good at it, I even found a way to put more power behind it as well. So, basically, I'm light on my feet. (Like a ninja)," Rachel says, scratching the back of her head in embarrassment.

"It's very impressive," I respond.

"I'm better at it than hand to hand combat that's for sure," she says chuckling to herself.

"Is that why you believe you aren't strong?" I ask.


"You told us you were weak, even though we believe you are strong. Is that because you're not good with hand to hand combat?" I ask.

A sad look passed over her face as she responds, "It's . . . it's more complicated than that." I stay silent, deciding not to push the subject further. "Continue?" she asks with a smile.

"Of course," I respond as we get into position and throw the first blow.

***Timeskip*** ***The Next Day***

Laxus, Bickslow, Evergreen, and I were walking to the guild together, chatting casually. When Bickslow stops, points and asks "Hey guys? Isn't that Rachel over there?" We look over to where Bickslow is pointing and sure enough, across the street is Rachel. She was handing some jewels to some homeless folks to help them out. She is smiling to them kindly, handing them some food as well. After kindly wishing them the best of luck, she waves goodbye. We stood there watching her in awe of her kindness.

"She's quite a kind soul isn't she." We turn around to see an elderly woman starring back at us. "She walks around town almost every day, helping out the townspeople and the homeless. She uses her own jewels, making sure everyone in town has a place to sleep for the night. She makes an effort to make sure everyone in town always has a smile on their face. There's not a soul in Magnolia that doesn't know who she is . . . we are very blessed to have her," the elderly woman says, watching Rachel. She was currently helping another townsfolk who was having trouble with some packages. I watch Rachel in amazement truly wondering, 'Who is she?'


I was in the training room early waiting for Rachel to arrive for training. 'How can she be so kind? Its none of her business, but she takes the effort to help others in need.'

"Freed. Freeeed. Freed!"

I snap out of my thoughts at Rachel calling my name. 'I didn't even hear her come in,' I thought.

"Are you okay? You weren't answering me before?" Rachel asks me concerned.

"Yes, I'm fine. Ready to start?" I ask. She nods.


After a little while of training we rest, leaning against the wall trying to catch our breath. Currently Rachel was telling me about a new girl that joined the guild recently. "Lucy's such a nice person. She's got a great bond with her spirits and her spirits are so much fun too. She's going to fit in perfectly with this guild."

I hum in response.

Rachel glances at me with concern, "Are you okay Freed? You've been really out of it today."

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I am a bit curious . . . why do you help out so much? I see you around town helping everyone you can as much as you can with your own jewels. Why?" I ask.

Rachel blinks in surprise and answers plainly, "Well, why not? There are times when everyone needs help, and I want to do my best to make sure everyone is happy." I smile softly at her response.

"Ready to continue?" I ask.

"Are you?" she retorts with a smirk. I laugh as we get into our fighting stances and charge at one another.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Tap the star if you enjoy the story! See you in the next chapter!

We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone. – Ronald Reagan

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