Chapter 62- Don't Die on me

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****Trigger Warning for this chapter, you have been warned.****

***Freed's p.o.v***

Tears welled up in my eyes and my breathing quickened as I gazed at her.

"Hey, wake up. Rachel please. Hey-" I choked, gazing at her unresponsive form.

"Please, please wake up. You have to wake up, please!" I sobbed before I pulled her close.

"H-hey. I'm right here. Rachel please. You can't leave- you can't leave me- please," I choked.

Rachel didn't move.

Laxus, Ever, and Bickslow quickly headed over after finishing off the goons and stopped at the sight.

Laxus and Bickslow widened their eyes and froze in shock.

Evergreen covered her mouth. "No... no please no," she muttered terrified, tearing up as she shook her head.

"Rachel please, please you can't- you can't die. You promised- you promised me you wouldn't. So please, please," I begged, hugging her close as I cried into her chest.

The guild ran in and gasped at the scene before them.

I sobbed and sobbed.

"I'm sorry-I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm so so sorry," I wept.


I widened my eyes and gasped, lifting my head up to look at her.

Her eyes had a lifeless look to them as they were barely open as she struggled to keep them open.

"Fr-eed," she weakly uttered out once more.

A breathy laugh escaped my lips in relief.

"Oh my gosh, your alive. Thank Mavis," I breathed as tears fell down my face.

"Free-" she uttered out again.

I pulled her close.

"Shhh. Shhhh. I got you. I got you. You're going to be okay. You'll be okay, you'll be okay, I promise," I wept as I held her in a comforting manner.

The guild sighed in relief, Evergreen and a few others falling to their knees.

"Wendy," I croaked out.

Wendy quickly ran over at my call, wiping her own tears away as she nodded before working her healing magic.

I noticed Wendy's breath hitch before she focused on her work, telling me that her injuries were probably worse than they seemed.

"She's really weak, but she's alive. You made it just in time," Wendy muttered.

I sucked in a fear filled breath at the news.

I held Rachel tightly to my chest, hoping to give her some comfort.

I kept an eye on her while Wendy worked, making sure she was still conscious. She was deathly quiet, and her eyes were so lifeless that if it wasn't for her own breathing, I wouldn't even have known she was even alive.

And that terrified me.

Wendy stopped, panting heavily from exhaustion. When she moved to get up and try again, I said, "Please don't overexert yourself Wendy. We need you in one piece too."

Wendy nodded, "I'm sorry, I wish I could do more."

"I'm grateful for any help you can give Wendy," I comforted.

A rustle and rumble made us turn our attention towards the noise.

The debris from where Valenzula was buried shifted before a blast went off, blasting away the debris.

A cold, dark, evil laugh echoed throughout the temple, causing us to freeze in place.

Stepping above the debris he laughed maniacally.

"Finally, the power is mine!" Valenzula laughed maniacally.

Unbridled rage boiled within me as I glared at Valenzula.

The rest of the guild stood up in a similar rage ready to destroy the monster who had dared to harm their family.

I felt something lightly tug against my chest and I froze, looking down.

Rachel's hand was shaking as she weakly tugged at my coat.

"P-please. Please you can't- just go- leave me please," Rachel whimpered as tears streamed down her face.

I widened my eyes in fear at the sight.

"I am afraid, but I won't let that stop me!"

Gazing at her now, trembling and crying as she begged for us not to fight him; made me realize the true weight of what has happened...

and it only made my blood boil.

"Please, please. You can't- you can't fight him," she begged, tears streaming down her face.

A new terrifyingly murderous, unrelenting rage boiled within us as we faced Valenzula.

At that moment, only one thought crossed our minds.

"You're gonna pay," Natsu growled in murderous rage.

"You're gonna pay," Natsu growled in murderous rage

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A/N: Don't Forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday!!!!

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