Chapter 25 - Captured

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***Freed's p.o.v*** ***The next day***

We arrived at the guild again, but we still didn't see Rachel. When we went to ask Mira again of her whereabouts, she said she didn't know since she was just here. She told us to ask Juvia since she would probably know where she was better than herself. That was where we were now as we approached Juvia.

"Juvia," I call to her announcing my presence. She was at a table with Team Natsu chatting casually.

She turns to us in surprise responding, "Freed, Evergreen, Bickslow. Is there something Juvia can help you with?" Juvia asks.

"Do you happen to know where Rachel is? We've been looking for her," Evergreen responds.

Juvia chuckles responding, "Juvia's not one hundred percent sure, but Juvia says check the roof."

"The roof?" We question.

"Trust Juvia," Juvia responds with a wink, giggling softly.

We glanced at each other before heading towards the doors.

I stopped, letting Evergreen and Bickslow go ahead, and turned back to Juvia.

"Juvia, one more thing," I say to her regaining her attention once more. "I'm sorry. For the battle... I'm sorry," I apologized.

"Freed's already apologized for that and Juvia's forgiven you. Freed does not have to apologize again," Juvia responds sweetly.

"That's not what I meant. I'm sorry for what I said about you. You truly belong in Fairytail," I apologized.

Juvia blinks in surprise before she smiles, "Thank you Freed. Apology accepted."

I smiled before heading outside to catch up to Ever and Bickslow.

I arrived outside to see Ever and Bickslow staring up at the guilds roof. "Well I'll be," Bickslow mutters with a smile.

I glanced up to see Rachel laying on the guilds roof peacefully.

"Rachel!" Bickslow calls out.

***Rachel's p.o.v***

I laid peacefully on the guilds roof before I heard someone call my name. I glanced down to see the Thunder Legion staring back up at me. I hopped down from the roof and landed in front of them.

"Hey guys. What's up?" I asked them cheerfully.

"We were wondering if you would like to accompany us on a mission," Freed asks me.

"Sure, I would love to join you guys," I responded.

"Rachel dear, if I may ask, why were you on the roof?" Evergreen asks sweetly.

"Oh that. Well... you sounds kind of silly, but I do it to relax," I responded sheepishly.

The Thunder Legion looks back at me questionably.

I chuckled, "Living in the forest I always found it relaxing to sit up in the trees and feel the soothing breeze. I missed the guild doing it nowadays, so Juvia suggested I try the guilds roof. It's high enough to get the refreshing breeze and I can still be near my guildmates at the same time. It's quite relaxing. I know it's silly."

"It's not silly," Freed responds shaking his head.

"I'm glad you're finally taking a moment to relax," Bickslow responds.

"Isn't it uncomfortable?" Evergreen questions.

"Not any less comfortable than a tree," I responded plainly.

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