Chapter 58- Taken

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***The Guild's p.o.v***

It was a relatively normal afternoon at the guildhall, Natsu and Gray with their usual fighting, Erza talking with Mira and Master at the bar while Cana was drinking, and Levy and Lucy talking about books.

The atmosphere was peaceful within the guild of Fairytail until there was a bright flash of light before runes suddenly appeared within the guildhall. When the runes finally disappeared, it revealed a battered and broken Thunder Legion passed out on the floor aside from Freed.

"H-he took her..." Freed uttered out before he passed out completely.

The guild gasped in shock and panicked before Master calmed them down, ordering them to take the Thunder Legion to the infirmary and get Porlyusica.

***Master's p.o.v***

"Well?" I asked Porlyusica as she exited the infirmary, coming into the guildhall.

"They were severely injured, but their injuries should heal. The main problem is the effect of his magic is making their injuries worse than they really are. The pain for them is so intense at the moment it has left them completely unconscious, so they probably won't wake up for a while. The effect will slowly wear off eventually, but I'm afraid there's nothing much else I can do until then," Porlyusica explained sadly.

Silence fills the air of the guildhall as they worried for their friends, but most importantly, their missing friend.

Suddenly, Natsu slams his hands on the table. "Gramps we have to do something!" Natsu yells.

"We have to find her!" Lucy exclaims along with him.

"Hmm," I nodded in agreement.

"Porlyusica and Wendy will stay here to look after the Thunder Legion, while the rest of us will go out and search for Rachel. I will not sit idly by as one of my children is taken! We'll start by retracing the Thunder Legion's steps from their mission. Wendy and Porlyusica, if the Thunder Legion wakes up with new information on Rachel's whereabouts, I want you to inform us right away. Until then, we are on our own. Now my children, let's go find and rescue our missing family!" I ordered.

"Right!" The guild responded seriously.

***Elsewhere***        ***Rachel's p.o.v***

I fell to the ground as I coughed blood onto the stone floor of the prison cell I was chained to. I glared up at Valenzula, receiving a kick to the face, sending me slamming into the stone brick wall behind me.

Blood dripped down my face as I stared through the sea of red at my approaching aggressor.

"So, do you surrender now?" Valenzula darkened.

A/N: Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and enjoy your day everyday! See you in the next chapter!

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