Chapter 85 - Nightmares

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***Bickslow's p.o.v***

Clang. Slash.

Rachel slid back her daggers in hand as she gazed around in the darkness.

Her normally blue eyes glowed its wispy purple color as she used her eye magic to grasp her surroundings.

A shadowy foe sprang up from behind her as she clashed against them with her magic.

She fought back relentlessly despite being covered in blood and multiple wounds.

I tried to reach for her to help her, but I couldn't seem to move only hearing a rattle of chains as I did so.

I could hear the others but wouldn't dare to see them not wanting to take my eyes off of Rachel's figure. I only assumed they were in the same predicament as I was, chained, captured.

Rachel was thrown back towards us as she shakily skidded to a stop.

She stood up quickly and glanced around, not knowing where it might pop up next.

The next thing I know, a sword pierced through her chest before us.

"No!" We all screamed.

Tears cascaded down her cheeks as the shadowy figure dropped her to the floor.

Laughing, the shadowy figure disappeared into the darkness.

We heard a loud clank of the chains as we fell to the floor, Prism flying above us.

We spared no hesitation as we ran towards her.

Freed got to her first as he cradled her into his arms.

Tears cascaded down our faces as Rachel stared weakly back at us.

"I'm- 'cough' sorry. I wanted to- to-" Rachel uttered out.

"No. No. No. Shhh, it wasn't your fault- it- it wasn't, ok? We're ok now. We're - ok," Freed's voice cracked through his own tears.

"You did good, ok? You- you-" Ever sobbed holding her hand.

Rachel's unscarred face smiled softly. "You guys are the best. I- I love you guys... so much..." She finished as she closed her eyes with a smile.


Beads of sweat poured down my face as I had bolted forward.

I placed my hand against my cheek and felt tears falling down my face.

I let out a few shaky breaths as I stared down at my hands.

'It was just a dream, but, it felt- so real,' I thought as I calmed down my breathing.

'Scary real,' I repeated.

***Timeskip***      ***Rachel's p.o.v***

"So how has Rachel been lately?" Juvia asked me as we headed towards the guild that morning.

"Actually, not great honestly," I sighed sadly.

"What's wrong?" Juvia asked in concern.

"Well, I've been fully healed for a while now, but due to my injury, I'm now blind in my left eye which has been throwing my sense of balance off a bit. I keep running into things on my left side and my aim is slightly off, because of this Porlyusica has banned me from any dangerous missions until I can readjust my sense of balance again, but that's going to take time. Laxus and the others have had to go on missions without me while I've been stuck doing little jobs around town or helping Mira. I don't have anything against all that, but I do want to go on missions with the others again," I sighed sadly.

Juvia smiled at me, "Don't worry Rachel. Juvia's sure you'll go back to missions with the others again soon."

I smiled at her, "Thanks Juvia."

Juvia smiled warmly before she suddenly gasped.

"Oh, Gray darling! Gotta go Rachel! See you later! Take care!" Juvia said rushing off after Gray.

I chuckled at her as I shook my head.

I headed up to the guild doors before I was suddenly grabbed and pulled roughly aside.

I charged up my magic in my hands on instinct and turned towards my attacker.

"Bickslow?! Don't scare me like that!" I sighed turning off my magic at the sight of him.

"Sorry Rachel," Bickslow sighed rubbing his hand against his arm uncomfortably.

I looked at him skeptically.

"What's up Bickslow?" I asked him.

I squeaked in surprise when Bickslow leapt over and hugged me.

I blinked at him concerned, "Bickslow?"

"Sorry, I just- I just needed that," he muttered.

"Are you alright?" I asked him.

"Yeah... I just- I just had a nightmare about you," he explained.

"You died in front of us and it- it really scared me. You're a good friend and I don't want to lose you, I wouldn't be able to stand it if we lost you," Bickslow finished sadly.

I gazed up at him before I softly smiled, "Bickslow your more than just a friend to me. I know I haven't said this enough but you're like a brother to me too. Laxus May have this dragon slayer connection thing but to me your just as much my brother as he is. Besides, you know I wouldn't die so easily, so you've got nothing to worry about."

Bickslow smiled a bit as he chuckled, "Yeah..."

"Wait, does this make Ever the bratty sister?" He joked.

I laughed, "Yeah."

Bickslow and I laughed at that.

"See there's the Bickslow I know," I smiled at him.

Bickslow smiled, "Thanks Rae."

"Anytime," I winked.

"Now why don't we go get a drink," I suggested.

"Now we're talkin' but none for you. I don't want a repeat about what happened at Blue Pegasus. Plus, Freed would surely kill me," Bickslow spoke.

I laughed, "You're lucky he didn't kill you the first time and don't forget. That was your fault. You're the one who added Vodka to my drink."

"How was I supposed to know you were that bad!" Bickslow defended.

"You nearly gave me alcohol poisoning," I told him as we headed into the guild.

"I didn't know you were that much of a light weight, plus my hand slipped a bit when I was trying to hurriedly pour it. I only wanted to give you a little. Just to make you a little tipsy. Besides you probably burned it all up beating up everyone in the guildhall," Bickslow defended.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm glad Freed took care of you though. I've definitely learned my lesson. I'm not making that mistake again," Bickslow spoke.

I shook my head as we joined the others.

Looking at my family, my smile faltered a bit.

'Once is one thing. Two could be a coincidence, but three? Three people having a dream about me dying? That's when. That's when I get concerned,' I worriedly thought to myself. 

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday!!!!

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