Chapter 93 - Finding You

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***Third- person p.o.v***

A large fist met Freed's face knocking him through one of the guild's wooden tables as the wood cracked and split in half, dishes shattering to the floor at the sheer force of the sudden hit.

Freed was still dazed from the sudden hit when the same large now lightning covered hand tangled in his hair and slammed him face first into the table next to it.

"You bastard," Laxus growled, lifting him by his hair before throwing him to the floor and sending a harsh kick to his stomach.

"You waltz in here for the past few days," Laxus bellowed, landing another kick to Freed's gut.

"Acting like everything is fine," Laxus raged punching Freed again when he righted himself.

"While my sister has apparently been missing! Heartbroken and betrayed because you withheld that Valenzula was her grandfather!!!" Laxus roared kicking Freed in the stomach before uppercutting him, sending Freed back several feet.

The guild could only watch in horror. Every time Freed was knocked down, no matter how hard the hit was, Freed stood back up. He wasn't dodging or drawing his sword or even trying to write any runes to defend himself. He simply took every hit dead on, then would stand up to take another. And another. And another.

"You're supposed to support and protect her but what did you do? What did you do?! You hit her and abandoned her!" Laxus roared.

At this point, Freed's clothes were singed and torn; his face, arms and chest covered in blood.

"Well?! What do you have to say for yourself Freed?! What do you have to say?!" Laxus roared standing over top of Freed.

Freed coughed up a bit of blood as he stood up on trembling legs.

"Nothing," Freed muttered staring back at Laxus guiltily.

"I have nothing to say. Your completely right. I hurt her and abandoned her. I deserve every punishment you give me," Freed spoke calmly.

He refused to back down from this. If Laxus was going to punish him then so be it. If he was going to kill him then so be it. He deserved it. He hurt the woman he loved over something so petty. He'd hurt the person who made him feel loved and cared for more than anyone else in the entire world. He made her cry and to top it off he'd abandoned her out of fear of going after her. This is exactly what he deserved. Everything Laxus said was right and he knew it.

Laxus swung a sharp kick to Freed's stomach sending him flying into the bar.

Laxus's face darkened as he raised his lightning engulfed fist.

"Laxus stop! Please stop!" Juvia yelled getting between the two boys.

"Get out of my way Juvia, Freed deserves everything that's coming to him," Laxus growled, his fist still in the air.

"No, I can't do that," Juvia defended.

"Juvia-" Laxus growled as his magic sparked dangerously.

"Do you really think this is what Rachel wants?" Juvia yelled suddenly, stopping Laxus in his tracks.

"No matter how angry or upset she is Rachel would never want to see you two fight like this and you know it! So, stop this right now!" Juvia yelled at him.

Laxus widened his eyes before he let his lightning disappear and his arm fall to his side.

Laxus turned away but before he left, he growled out one last thing, "You don't deserve her Justine."

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