Chapter 67 - Rough Patch

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A/N: Sorry for the super long wait, exams and everything has been crazy! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

***Slight Trigger Warning for this chapter, you have been warned.***

***Rachel's p.o.v***


I coughed up a bit of blood as I fell to my knees.

"Get up. I'm not done with you yet," Valenzula growled.

My hands shook as I barely had the strength to keep myself in a sitting position.

It hurt to breathe I was in so much pain, but I knew if I didn't get up and follow orders, I'd only receive more pain.

I bit my lip as I shakily pulled myself up, tears free flowing down my cheeks as I did so.

"Pathetic, and to think I trained you to be my greatest weapon once," Valenzula muttered.

"I don't- care. I- I won't give you what you want," I weakly uttered out through my tears.

Valenzula smirked. "I already have what I want," he said as he swung his whip.

I woke up with a scream, jolting up from the bed.

I squeezed my hands around my head as the memories kept playing in my mind.

My breathing was slowly escalating as I started to hyperventilate.

"Rachel-" someone called as a hand touched my shoulder.

I immediately flinched from the sudden touch as I turned to see the culprit.

At the sight of Freed's gentle face, my hands collapsed to my lap as tears and sobs of relief fell down my cheeks.

Freed's eyes softened as he gently pulled me close, placing me in the crook of his neck as I sobbed my heart out.

The door opened not too much later to reveal a worried looking Laxus.

"Again?" Laxus sadly asked Freed through my sobs.

Freed nodded gently, "Yeah, but it wasn't as bad this time."

Laxus sighed, "That's good."


My eyes blinked open as sunlight shown onto my face. When my eyes finally focused, I widened my eyes and started frantically patting the bed as I panicked noticing I was alone.

Suddenly, a large hand fell on top of mine stopping my panic as I looked up to see its owner.

"Hey, hey, it's ok, Freed's just downstairs making breakfast. He'll be back soon, okay?" Laxus answered softly.

I relaxed only a bit, which Laxus noticed as he offered his hand for me.

I took his hand in both of my own as I curled myself against it for some form of comfort.

***Laxus's p.o.v***

My eyes softened as she clung to me desperately for comfort.

It's been a few days since Rachel's woken up. She's mostly been resting as her injuries are still healing, so it's been taking a lot out of her.

The problem is, she hasn't been getting any restful sleep. She's constantly plagued with terrible nightmares.

They scare her so badly, she's always crying when she wakes up, if she isn't having a panic attack first.

Her panic attacks are worse than I've ever seen them. Freed's even said he's never seen hers get this bad before. There's been a few times it took both of us to snap her out of it.

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