Chapter 1 - A Place to Belong

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***No one's p.o.v***

It was a beautiful day in the city of Magnolia. The town was bustling with energy and life. Making their way through the town was a young lady with light brown hair and sapphire blue eyes. She was wearing some old t-shirt, ragged shorts and beat-up shoes. Most noticeably, she was wearing a beautiful multi-colored flower necklace that seemed to glow.

This young lady walked through the town until she stopped in front of the brown oakwood doors of the noisy building in front of her. After checking to make sure she was in the right place, she took a deep breath and opened the doors.

***One minute earlier***

"You want some Ice-Freak!"

"Bring it on Pyro!"

The guild of Fairytail was going through its usual daily shenanigans of fighting, drinking and laughter. Gray and Natsu were fighting over something, Cana was drinking barrels at a time, and Mirajane was working at the bar. The usual. Master Makarov was currently sitting on top of the bar casually drinking his mug of beer trying to enjoy the nice day. Although that peacefulness never lasts long in the guild of Fairytail, as Natsu just threw a table at Gray. Which missed, as Gray dodged it, it instead hitting Elfman.

"You bastards are asking for it! I'll show you how to fight like a Real Man!" Elfman yells, jumping into the fight.

It wasn't long before the entire guild was involved in the fight. During this fight, it went completely unnoticed by the guild that the guild doors had opened and that there was now a young lady approaching the bar. Master Makarov saw the young lady as she approached and asked her,

"Hello child, is there anything I can help you with?"

The young lady responded, "Hello mister, my name is Rachel Medallia, I was wondering if I could join the Fairytail guild?"

By now the entire guild had stopped fighting and was silently listening to the conversation. "Well hello Rachel! My name is Master Makarov and I am the master of Fairytail. Tell me, why do you wish to join our guild?" Master Makarov asks.

"I wish to join Fairytail because out of all the guilds I have heard about, I have heard that your guild treats its members as family, and I would really love to be a part of a family," Rachel replies.

"Well then, Rachel Medallia, I proudly announce you as a member of Fairytail!!!" Master Makarov yells as he stands on the bar counter. At this, the entire guild erupts in cheers!

***Rachel's p.o.v***

'I'm in utter shock. I can't believe they let me join so easily. I thought there would be a test or something!' I thought. The reaction the entire guild has to me joining couldn't help but make me smile. 'These guys sure have a lot of energy,' I thought.

Master Makarov turns back to me and asks, "My dear, may I ask what magic you have?"

"I have Light magic along with Hidden eye magic." I respond.

Master Makarov looks pleased and says, "Impressive." He then turns to a white-haired female and asks, "Mira would you mind getting the stamp please?" I watch as the white-haired girl goes behind the counter to grab something.

She emerges a second later with a stamp in hand and approaches me saying, "Hello, I'm Mirajane, but you can just call me Mira. Where would you like your guild mark?"

I smile at Mira and say, "It's nice to meet you, Mira. My name is Rachel. Could I have my guild mark on my right collarbone bone please?" Mira nods and places the stamp on my right collarbone, where it glows and reveals a dark purple Fairytail emblem.

"Welcome to the guild!" Mira says. I smile at the sight of my guild mark and thank Mira and Master.

I am suddenly grabbed and turned around to face a pink-haired boy with a flying cat above him. "Hi, I'm Natsu and this is Happy," he says while pointing at the flying blue cat. "Aye!" the cat responds. "Lets's Fight!" he shouts.

He takes me by surprise at his statement, and I giggle responding, "Sorry Natsu, but I just joined Fairytail, but I promise to fight you at a later date." At this Natsu smiles, nods and runs off.

Behind where Natsu was standing previously, was a red-haired girl wearing armor. She approached me and said, "Hello, I'm Erza, I was wondering if you would like a tour around the guild?"

"Yes, Please, that would be very helpful," I respond. Erza nods and motions for me to follow her.

"How much do you know about the guild?" Erza asks.

"Not much, I don't really know anything about the guilds in general, to be honest."

Erza took me to a board of papers and said, "This is the request board, here you will be able to take missions and complete them for Jewels." I nod in understanding. "After you have chosen a mission, you will need to have it signed off by either Master or Mira. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am"

"Good, now the first floor of the guild is where everyone hangs out. It is also where the bar and the request board are located. The second floor is reserved for S-class mages only. S-class mages are mages that pass a special trial given to them by the master, this allows them to be qualified for more difficult missions. S-class missions are a lot more difficult than the missions on the first floor. Laxus, Mirajane, Mystogan, Gildarts and myself are the only S-class mages in Fairytail, therefore the only ones allowed to go upstairs. Do I make myself clear?" Erza explains as she glares at the last part.

"Yup, makes sense," I respond calmly.

"Well, that is all you really need to know about the guild, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me."

I nod before I ask, "Erza, what magic do you use?"

Erza smiles at me then says, "I use requip magic. It allows me to requip either my armor or weapons that I have stored away in a pocket dimension."

"Wow, cool! Say Erza would you mind if you helped train me? I would like to know how to better use my light daggers that I can make with my magic, and sense you're an S-class requip mage, I guess I can assume you are good with weapons."

Erza nods and says, "I would love to help you better yourself with your magic. We could train daily at 6:30am for an hour or two, if that's ok with you?"

"That's perfect, thank you so much!"

"Great we will start tomorrow," Erza says as she walks away.

'Wow! What a great first day! Everyone here is so nice and friendly if its like this everyday then I think I'm going to like it here after all,' I thought as I grabbed a few missions off the request board and walked out the guild.

A/N: Thank you for reading! If you're enjoying this fanfic come check out Rachel's original story at Tapas and Webnovel's Garden of Knights:

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