Chapter 98 - White Lotus

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A/N: Just so you know the characters on her boots translate to Spirit Force, at least I hope they do. That's what google told me. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

***Freed's p.o.v***

I turned towards the bright flash of light. Rachel stood there ready to fight in an evolved looking Spirit Force.

White silver armor rested on top of her old Spirit Force outfit alongside a lotus marked cape around her waist. Her ribbon like marks glowed against her skin along with two ribbons attached to her backside. A couple extra feathers protruded from her headband as she faced her opponent in a confident unwavering expression.


"There's something I need to ask of all of you," Rachel spoke gaining our attention.

"I want you to let me take on Valenzula's elites on my own."

"What?" Ever gasped alongside the rest of us.

"Rachel are you crazy?! We can't let you do that by yourself!" Bickslow exclaimed.

"I understand your concern, but I've thought this over and I can do it. No, I have to do it. It's my responsibility," she reasoned.

"Rachel, haven't we told you, we're in this together," Laxus argued as I nodded alongside him.

"No, I don't mean it like that. We are in this together. I'm going to need your help to defeat Valenzula's dark guilds, I just want to take on their masters and their masters alone on my own. I'm going to need your help to make sure no one interferes with our fight, you too Prism," Rachel nodded to her.

"Even so Rachel," Lucy started.

"That's a lot to take on on your own," Erza finished.

Rachel smiled, "Don't you trust me?"

"Of course we do," Juvia responded.

"Then I've got this. Don't worry, I've got a few new tricks up my sleeve this time," Rachel smiled.

***Flashback end***

I smiled, "Good luck. We've got your back Rachel."

***Rachel's p.o.v***

"Ready? Let's go!" I shouted at them.

The four of them growled before they bolted forward.

"Nether chains!" Malacore shouted.

Three long chains appeared in his hand before he threw them down towards me.

I placed my arms across my chest before I threw them apart as I released my counterattack. "Spirit Slash!" I shouted, slashing the chains away with my attack.

I threw a ball of light into the air before I threw off my next attack towards the incoming Axra and Magnus.

"Spirit Beam!" I shouted, throwing a large beam of light at the two.

Axra sped out of the way as Magnus tried to defend against it with a copy of Gray's Ice-Make Shield, but it my spell easily overpowered his, blasting him back into Malacore has the two were thrown back.

"You fool! Now you can't move!" Axra cackled as she zoomed in close.

"And now you can't see. Light Spirit Flash!" I shouted.

The ball of light I threw earlier fell in front of me right as I yelled the spell. The ball flashed with a blinding light, blinding Axra and the others long enough for me to recover.

Axra blinked away the spots from her eyes right as I moved in close.

"Spirit Blow!" I yelled, punching her in the face sending her rocketing back harshly.

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