Chapter 6 - Training

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***Rachel's p.o.v***

Its been a few days since my mission with Laxus and the Thunder legion. I am currently in the guildhalls secret training room, training myself in hand to hand combat. Kick. Jab. Punch. Hit. I kept throwing hits at the training dummy until it went down, . . . only for it to come back up and knock me over. "Auugh," I yell putting my hands on my face in frustration. I sigh and stare at the ceiling in thought. 'I'm too used to fighting with magic and my magic is mostly meant for long range attacks. I need to be able to fight close range . . . without magic,' I thought as a sat up.

The sound of the training room door opening awoke me from my thoughts. I look over to see who walked in and see . . . "Freed!" I say standing up.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.

"Training," I say breathlessly, "I'm trying to learn to use hand to hand combat."

Freed glances down at my arms. "How are your arms?" he asks.

"Oh, they're fine, perfectly healed. They healed a while ago," I respond.

Freed nods glancing around. "You're training with this?" he questions, chuckling as he gestures to the training dummy in front of me.

"What do you mean?" I ask him confused.

"Well, why would you waste your time on something that can't fight you back?" Freed explains with a smirk.

"Are you saying you can do better?" I ask with a smirk as I put my hands on my hips. Freed just smirks back. "Alrighty then. Let's see what you got tough guy," I say as I get into a defensive stance. Freed does the same, smirk still on his face

"Just so you know I would never take pleasure in hitting a lady," Freed says seriously. I nod. Then next thing I know, Freed rushes towards me as he attacks as I barely dodge in time, surprised by his speed. Freed keeps up his relentless attacks as I dodge his attacks. I slip in a punch and land a hit. Freed barely being fazed. He took the opportunity to land a good jab at my side. I stumble and quickly block his next attack, sending me sliding across the room.

With the now given space, I quickly catch my breath and easily dodge his next attack. Freed sent multiple attacks my way as I dodged while throwing a few of my own attacks back at him. The ones that hit barely fazed him, if at all, and always left me open for his own attacks. Although, I took the hits he landed, barely allowing them to faze me as we continually sparred. When suddenly, he catches me off guard as he grabs my arm, twists it around and pushes it against my back, pinning me to the ground.

I struggle against his grip, but it was no use against his strength. After a few seconds of struggling, Freed let me up. I stand up groaning as I walk to the other side of the room for a drink. "Your sloppy," Freed calmly scolds.

"I know," I sigh. ". . . Would you train me?" I ask facing him. Truthfully, I noticed how challenging of an opponent he was when we sparred and how much I could learn from him, but he probably won't say yes, he is so much stronger than me and his friends are strong too, so he probably doesn't think I'm worth his-

"I'll help," Freed says to me. I blink back at him. "When do we start?" Freed asks.

I stare back at him for a sec, before I realize he asked a question, answering, "Oh, uuhh . . . how about . . . tomorrow at uuhh 7pm?" He nods and shoots me a small smile before he grabs his things and walks out the door. All the while, I'm standing there dumbfounded thinking, 'He said yes?'

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