Chapter 31- Tenrou Island

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***Third-person p.o.v***

"Passing this challenge requires quality teamwork and a whole lotta luck," Master says, finishing his explanation of the first trial.

"Let's count on good luck, right!" Lucy exclaims to Cana.

"Even as a gambler that strategy blows. With one in eight odds be ready to brawl," Cana responds.

"If I've done the math correctly, then only a maximum of six teams will make it to the next round," Evergreen comments.

"That sucks! If we pick the routes with S-classes we're going to get a manly pounding!" Elfman exclaims.

"You're not a real man, you're a real wimp," Evergreen responds.

"The first round could be the end of us. I don't wanna have to fight a bunch of my friends," Levy remarks.

"Sounds great to me. I've been looking for an excuse to punch one of these fools," Gajeel responds clenching his fist.

"Yeah, I know," Levy remarks back at him.

"Just try not to kill anyone Gajeel," a voice responds.

All the contestant's heads turn towards the new voice, to see Rachel standing there beside Master.

"Rachel?!" We all exclaimed, confused as to why she was here.

"Hey guys," Rachel responds with a wave.

"I thought you were on a long emergency mission?" Juvia questions.

Rachel chuckles responding, "I was. I got it finished a little early and came back late last night."

"Wait Rachel, if that's true, then why are you here? You're not going to be an obstacle, are you?" Gray questions, slightly scared at the idea.

"No. I asked Rachel if she would accompany us as a healer. She will not be competing nor will she be an obstacle. Although, that's not a bad idea," Master explains, muttering the last part to himself.

"I'll be sure to take care of you guys if you get injured, but please try not to kill each other for my sake, if not for your own," Rachel exclaims.

"The trials are usually not that bad Master, and usually no one is allowed to be near the trials unless they are competing or an obstacle. So, what made you allow Rachel to come along?" Cana questions to Master Makarov.

Master's head falls down in shame as he says, "I felt bad. She willingly took that emergency mission, knowing that she was forfeiting her spot in the trials. I felt guilty, so I made her come along with us as a healer to pay her back."

"I told you Master, it was my choice, and I was ok with it. You didn't have to drag me here to repay me. I told you it was fine. You don't owe me anything," Rachel responds trying to reassure Master.

Everyone else sweat drops at the scene thinking, 'Of course.'

"Alright, you ready, your trials starts now!" Master shouts.

"Good luck everyone!" Rachel shouts back.

***Timeskip***        ***Rachel's p.o.v***

"There an interesting group aren't they," I muttered.

"Indeed. Alright, let's hurry up and set up base camp," Master says to me.

"Roger that Master!" I responded with a salute.


After setting up the base camp, Master headed off to wait for the winners of the first trial. I am currently sitting within the medical tent organizing my medical supplies with Prism sitting beside me on my shoulder. "Well, we definitely have enough supplies. I think we might have overpacked a bit Prism. The most injuries there are going to be are bruises and maybe a few broken bones, if that. We brought a decent amount of herbs for serious injuries and enough bandages to patch up an army!" I exclaimed shaking my head as Prism chuckles.

Journey of a Light Mage - A Fairytail Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن