Chapter 51- The Date

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A/N: Over 6K reads! Wow! Thank you so much!!! I hope you enjoy the chapter and the extra picture for the occasion!

***Third-person p.o.v***

"Ever! Juvia!" a voice shouted.

Both girls in question, who happened to be at the bar chatting amongst themselves, turned towards the guild doors at the voice.

They turned to see a frantic looking Rachel approaching them.

"Rachel is something wrong?" Juvia asked.

"Is everything alright?" Evergreen questioned.

Stopping in front of them both, Rachel said, "Freed-Freed just asked me on a date."

All the girls in the guild suddenly appeared next to her in excitement at that statement.

"What do I do?" Rachel asks worriedly.

"Rachel doesn't need to worry," Juvia smiled.

"Leave it all to us. We'll handle it," Evergreen says with a wink before the girls all dragged Rachel away to get ready.

Shortly after the girls left, Freed walked into the guild and sat next to Laxus and Bickslow.

"So, you finally asked her on a date huh? Good job man," Bickslow congratulated him.

"So you heard?" Freed questioned.

"The girls practically screamed it when Rachel told them. They all left to help her get ready," Laxus explained.

Freed nodded.

"Need some advice baby?" Bickslow asked, wrapping his arm around Freed's shoulder.

Freed shook his head. "No need. I already have a plan," Freed said with a smirk.

"I planned something I know she'll love, or at least, I hope she does," Freed muttered.

"I'm sure no matter what it is she'll love it," Laxus smiled.

"Thanks Laxus," Freed smiled, happy his friend had so much faith in him.

"You better treat our girl right man," Bickslow smiled.

"I plan to do nothing less," Freed answered simply.

***Timeskip***          ***Rachel's p.o.v***

"I don't know about this guys," I said to the girls as I gazed in the mirror at the dress they picked out for me.

"Do you really think he'll like it?" I questioned them.

I was wearing a knee-high purple dress with runic designs alongside it.

It matched Freed's magic, but I wasn't so sure of how it looked on me.

"Of course! He'll love it!" Mira exclaimed as the rest of the girls nodded in agreement.

"Ok..." I answered, still unsure.

"When are you supposed to meet him?" Levy asked.

"Seven o'clock in front of the cafe downtown," I answered.

"Seven o'clock?!" The girls screamed.

"That's in fifteen minutes! You have to hurry!" The girls screeched, pushing me out the door.

I chuckled, "Ok, ok. I'm going, but no following me. I want to enjoy my time with him, not have you guys stalking us the whole time."

Cana waved her hand dismissively, chuckling, "We wouldn't do that."

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