Chapter 90 - Phantasm

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***Rachel's p.o.v***

"So, this is it?" Bickslow asked as we stared at the forest in front of us.

"Yes, this is definitely the place according to the map," Freed remarked looking up from the map in his hand.

"Looks like a normal forest to me," Ever complained.

After contacting the guild, patching each other up, and a day's rest, we searched the nearby libraries to find any leads on Spectrace forest. After an entire day of searching, we finally found a map, and after another day of traveling we finally made it to the forest. It took three days, but we made it.

I sighed.

"Got anything Rae?" Laxus asked me.

"No, nothing," I sighed staring at the forest before me.

'She said I would find the answers I seek here... but what does that mean? Is there something I'm supposed to find? How do I find it?' I pondered.

Then it clicked.

"Remember to use those pretty eyes of yours."

I looked at the forest once more as I activated my eye magic this time.

A gasp immediately left my throat as I blanched in shock.

"What's up Rae?" Laxus questioned as the others had turned to me at my gasp.

"See something?" Bickslow questioned noticing my activated eye magic.

"T-the whole forest..." I uttered out with wide eyes.

"It's an illusion," I finished.

The others gapped in shock.

"Wait really!?! Oh! Hold on I'll check!" Bickslow gapped before he ran straight into a tree.

"Ow, seems real to me," he muttered rubbing his head with his hand.

The rest of us deadpanned.

"You're an idiot Bickslow," Ever muttered.


"Not that I doubt you Rae, but if it's an illusion how come it feels real?" Laxus asked.

"Well, it's possible to make a concentrated amount of light to make an illusion solid, like Prism in a way, but to this scale..." I explained.

"It's unprecedented," Freed finished.

"We're sure the whole thing is an illusion? Not just a tree or two?" Bicks asked.

"Are you doubting my magic?" I glared.

"Well... no, but..." Bickslow hurriedly defended.

"Just look," I pointed at the treetops.

"It's windy, yet the trees aren't moving at all. Not even the leaves," I explained.

"Woah, okay that's freaky," Bickslow muttered as the others thought the same thing.

"Why would someone cast an entire forest as an illusion in the middle of nowhere?" Ever asked.

"Perhaps to hide something? Rachel?" Freed questioned.

"But there's nothing here. No house, no chest, nothing," I stated as I looked around with my magic.

I looked around frustrated before something caught my eye.

"Hey, what's that?" I muttered gaining the others attention.


"What is it?" I questioned looking at the white markings on the ground.

"No idea, but it isn't natural that's for sure," Ever muttered as she glanced at a spot further down.

"Actually..." Freed muttered walking around it.

"It looks like a magic circle," Freed finished as we gathered back together to look at it.

Even looking at it with my eye magic it was hard to tell, but now that he mentioned it, it makes sense but...

"That's one big magic circle," Laxus muttered.

"It's as big as the guild hall!?!" Bickslow exclaimed in surprise.

"Do you think that's what's holding up this whole forest illusion?" Ever asked.

"It's possible..." Freed muttered trailing off.

I stared at it for a second before I spoke, "This is probably a bad idea, but..."

I walked over to it and stepped over it.

"Rachel wait!" The others shouted but it was too late.

The white markings glowed brightly blinding us.

"So, you finally made it my little Lotus. I'm so proud of you," I heard the familiar voice of the woman speak before the light disappeared before us.

All that was left was a small journal floating before me.

I grabbed it and flipped through the pages curiously as the others gathered around me.

"Runes. The whole thing is written in runes," I said as I flipped through the book in my hands.

"Can you read it Freed?" Ever asked.

"Bits and pieces, yes," Freed answered.

"Well that's just great, we finally get answers and it's all written in code. Why can't it just be easy for once," Bickslow grumbled, throwing his hands.

"At least we have something, I for one am happy with that," I muttered.

"I'll get started right away to translate it," Freed spoke up.

"Well, whatever it says this woman clearly wants you to read it," Laxus muttered.

I nodded as I stared at the journal in my hands.

"Don't worry Rachel, we'll figure it out," Freed assured.

I smiled, "Thanks guys, you're right. We'll figure it out. For sure."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday!!!

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