Chapter 52- A Fluttery Feeling

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the super late update. My week got busy and the pictures took longer than I expected them to. Again I'm so sorry for the late update and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

***Rachel's p.o.v***

"I'm starting to understand why Porlyusica hates humans," I grumbled as I glanced around the guild at a certain troublesome group.

Team Natsu had just gotten back from a mission pretty beat up, so I patched them up so they could rest their wounds. Yeah, I don't think they understood that last part.

Currently, Natsu and Gray were fighting again, when they should be resting their wounds that I just spend ten minutes on patching them up.

"Take that back Ice-freak!"

"No way Salamander!"

"Shouldn't those two be resting instead of fighting?" Evergreen questions, watching the two of them fight.

"Yeah, but it looks like that's not going to stop them- uh no, but that might," Bickslow said as he noticed me storming over to the two.

I stomped over, grabbed the two, and yanked them apart.

Angry someone interrupted their fight; they turned to see the culprit and widened their eyes at the sight.

"What in the world are you two doing?" I questioned with a glare.

"Oh! Hey Rachel! I was just beating up Ice-Freak here after he insulted me. Wanna join in?" Natsu asked with a cheeky grin, completely oblivious to the reason why I was mad.

"I just spent ten minutes of my time patching the two of you up, and now you go out and fight amongst each other, wasting the hard ten minutes of work I put into trying to heal you?" I questioned them.

"No need to worry Rachel, we feel just fine thanks to you. We're perfectly healed now, so it's fine," Natsu dismisses with a grin.

"Oh really?" I taunted with a smirk.

Gray was starting to get the idea and said to Natsu, "Uh Natsu, maybe we should just rest."

"Nah, I'm ready for any fight," Natsu stated.

I smirked. "Ok then, Natsu, Gray, if either of you can knock me out, I'll let you off the hook, but if I can knock you two out in one spell and I won't use Prism either, then you have to rest. Deal?" I asked them.

"Oh yeah! I'm all fired up!" Natsu shouted, standing up.

"Yeah, this'll be easy!" Gray shouted, standing up as well.

***Third-person p.o.v***

At this point, the entire guild was watching in anticipation to what was going to happen.

"Alright! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Natsu shouted as he charged.

Rachel just stood there with a smirk before she held her hand up and summoned...

a broom?

Rachel swung her broom and landed a clean hit against Natsu as he was slammed into the floor, completely knocked out.

The guild squeaked in surprise at the attack.

Seeing this, Gray paled, and tried to escape, but Rachel sped behind him and knocked him out with a hard blow to the head with her broom as well.

"T.K.O!" Happy shouted.

Letting the broom disappear, Rachel grabbed the boys and dragged them up the stairs.

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