Chapter 41- My Family, I Trust

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A/N: I was originally going to split this chapter into two chapters but I decided to keep it as one for you guys to celebrate this story making it to 3K! Enjoy the chapter!

***Rachel's p.o.v***

"Alright. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna tell him. I'm gonna tell Freed how I feel about him," I told myself out-loud as I walked back to Magnolia from my solo mission.

"If I hurry back, I should make it to the guild by noon," I pondered out-loud.

"I wouldn't count on it," a familiar voice responded.

I spun around at the voice to face a dangerously familiar foe.

"Magnus," I muttered darkly, recognizing him alongside his snickering guildmembers.

"Long time no see little Lotus," Magnus sneered. I growled at the nickname.

"Time to go, Master's been waiting," Magnus beckoned, smiling evilly.

"I'm not going back!" I growled back defiantly.

"We'll see about that. Now Arc of Death, attack!" Magnus ordered.

"Spirit Wave!" I yelled throwing a tsunami of light towards the Arc of Death guild, blowing them back away from me.

"Light Spirit Flash!" I shouted blinding them.

Jumping back from the fight, I pulled out my lacrima to call the guild.


I gasped as the lacrima in my hand shattered as a dagger went through it.

Quickly summoning my daggers, I deflected the second invisible dagger I sensed coming towards me. I turned on my eye magic and noticed the other blades being thrown towards me. I quickly deflected them and noticed the three mages I didn't see before who were the ones who through the blades.

'He's got invisible magic users?' I thought shocked.

I gasped, widening my eyes, and quickly moved out of the way of an incoming attack from behind me. By now the dark guild members have recovered from my blinding attack and were coming at me full force. I dodged attacks left and right from Magnus's entire dark guild as they attacked me relentlessly.

'Crap! They destroyed my lacrima! I can't call the guild for back-up! I guess I have no choice, I have to fight them back myself,' I growled frustrated.

Putting my hands together I yelled, "Spirit Blast!" causing a huge explosion of light against my enemies, blowing them back and clearing a path for me through them.

"Spirit Slash! Spirit Burst!" I shouted, fighting back. I fought back the best of my ability as I was severely outnumbered against my opponent.

Sensing an incoming attack, I sharply turned around and launched a Spirit Wave attack to counter the incoming attack from behind me.

"Magnus," I growled recognizing his magic. Magnus sneered evilly back at me. I noticed his goons back off as Magnus took me on personally.

Magnus launched another attack and I countered with my own. Both of us seemed evenly matched as we both relentlessly attacked one another from a distance with our long-range attacks.

I got ready to launch another attack at Magnus before I was blasted from the side by his goons.

"Arrgh!" I yelled, getting thrown to the ground by the attack.

"I should've known he wouldn't have played a fair one on one fight," I growled to myself, stumbling up, clutching my side.

I panted as they closed in. I dodged their incoming magic blasts, sending a few of my own in retaliation.

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