Chapter 20 - Girls Day Out!

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A/N: 1K reads!!! Oh my gosh!!! Thank you guys so much!!! As a thank you I thought I would give you this chapter a little early. Don't worry, you'll still get the next chapter this weekend, just now a chapter ahead of the original schedule. So, Enjoy!

***Rachel's p.o.v***

"Uugh," I said plopping down at the bar.

"Oh, Rachel. Are you ok?" Mira asks me. I turn my head to the side towards Master who was sitting next to me at the bar.

"You've got some luck Master," I say to him. Master glances at me. "If it wasn't for how much I help around town, the mayor would have pressed heavy charges on Fairytail. You're lucky the town knows me so well. The town hall really wanted to charge Fairytail with the damage bill, especially after Natsu uprooted the cherry tree. It took everything I had to convince them not to charge Fairytail," I said grumpily.

Master turns his head to the side and starts whistling. Mira giggles as I roll my eyes grumpily.

"No, that's not enough either."

I glance over at Evergreen at the request board, before seeing her sigh in defeat and sit down at a nearby table. "What's wrong with Evergreen?" I asked Mira.

"She's having trouble with rent," Mira responds cleaning a glass. "Her rent is due tomorrow and she still needs 70,000 J. Freed was sent out on a mission with Wendy and apparently Bickslow's busy today. There aren't any solo missions that pay enough in the short amount of time for her to go on. So, she's stuck until the boys get back," Mira explains.

I glance over at Evergreen sighing at her table before I smile and get up.

***Evergreen's p.o.v***

"Sigh, this is just great. What am I gonna do," I muttered to myself.

"Hey Evergreen."

I look up seeing Rachel in front of me. "Rachel," I respond surprised.

"I heard you need money for rent tomorrow. So, you wanna go on a mission with me?" Rachel asks handing me a job flyer.

I look over it, noticing it's a mission that request girls to complete it, to find some missing girls. 'Wait a minute,' I thought looking at the flyer again.

"Rachel, this missions reward is 70,000 J. I need 70,000 J to pay for my rent, it wouldn't be enough for me if we both go," I said handing the job flyer back to her.

"Yeah, I know. You need the money more than I do, so you can take the whole reward."

I blink at her in surprise as she smiles at me. "A-are you sure?" I ask her.

"Of course! Anything to help out a friend!" Rachel says with a smile.

I tear up a little at her kindness before I get up, wiping my tears. "Let's go then!" I say to her.

She nods. We show Mirajane the flyer, grab our stuff, and head out to the train station. As we are walking to the station, I say to Rachel, "Thank you Rachel. This means a lot."

"You're welcome. I know you would've done the same for me if it was the other way around," Rachel says to me with a smile.


We arrive at Lupinus town and head up to the client's house, to learn more about this mission. We arrive at the place, knock on the door, and wait for an answer. The door opens to reveal a short scrawny old man with a cheeky grin looking up at us.

"Ah hello! Fairytail I presume?" He asks.

"Yes sir," Rachel responds with a nod.

"Excellent, excellent. Come in, come in. I'll debrief you on our dilemma," our client responds.

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