Chapter 82 - Double Date

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A/N: Its been such a long wait but we should be back to the regular schedule of weekend updates again! I hope you enjoy the chapter!!!

***Juvia's p.o.v***

I hummed as I gazed at the jobs on the request board in front of me.

"Hey Juvia, looking for a job?" Someone asked.

I turned around at the familiar voice.

"Oh, Gray darling! Yes, Juvia is looking for a job," I answered happily.

"Well, would you like to join me on a job?" Gray asked sheepishly as I grabbed the perfect job off the request board.

I glanced at my darling Gray sadly, "I'm sorry Gray dear but I wanted to take a mission with Rachel today! It's been a while since Rachel and Juvia have gone on a mission together and Juvia wanted to hang out with her friend," I beamed.

"Oh, alright," Gray smiled disappointed.

I skipped over to Rachel happily with the job in hand before I stopped as Freed approached Rachel.

"Would you like to go on a mission with me," he asked her.

"Of course!" Rachel replied with a smile.

I stared down disappointed as I knew Rachel wouldn't go on a mission with me now.

***Gray's p.o.v***

I watched just the same as Juvia as Freed asked for Rachel to accompany him on a mission. I watched Juvia's expression sadden as she knew she missed her chance. She really did want to go on a mission with her, and so does Freed. Plus, I wanted to go on a mission with Juvia.

So with this in mind, I approached Freed and Rachel.

***Juvia's p.o.v***

I gazed down sadly disappointed.

Suddenly someone grabbed my hands making me look up at them.

I gasped in surprise as Rachel smiled back at me.

"Juvia I'm so sorry I've been so busy lately. I would love to go on a mission with you," she smiled.

I smiled before I frowned, "But what about Freed?"

Rachel smiled, "He'll be coming with us, so will Gray. Since they both wanted to go on a mission with us, Gray thought we should just all go together. Is that okay with you?"

"The mission you picked out is kind of big anyway. It will be easier with more of us," Gray remarked.

"Agreed and it will be done faster as well," Freed nodded.

I smiled, "Yes! Juvia thinks it's a great idea! This way everyone will be happy! In fact, it will even be like a double date!"

"Yeah!" Rachel smiled.

"Yeah... I don't know about that," Gray blushed as he chuckled nervously.

***Timeskip*** ***Gray's p.o.v***

The train ride there was full of the girls talking and giggling amongst themselves. It made me smile to see Juvia so happy and comfortable around someone else, Rachel too. Those two really were close.

Freed and I on the other hand...

I glanced up at Freed as he sat quietly and poised on the train. He occasionally glanced at Rachel and smiled, but other than that he was quiet and stiff.

"So how's it been with your team lately," I asked him.

"Fine. Same as usual. The Thunder Legion gets the job done quickly and efficiently," Freed answered plainly.

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