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It had been a week since I hung out with Ashton and he'd text me almost everyday but I didn't respond. I couldn't. He had saw my eyes and that was enough for me to not talk to him anymore, but what was this I was feeling, I had slightly enjoyed our encounter, kind of missed his continuous questioning and smiling.

This was all wrong. When he stared at my eyes, I felt something, a feeling I was accustomed to and that's why I had left. It didn't help that he complimented my eyes, not that they were beautiful they were boring and unite resting, like me.

"$6.75." I said as I bagged the CD's a girl had bought. "Thank you have a nice day." I give her a small nod and she smiles walking out of the store.

I turn around behind the counter, continuing to fold the few band shirts that have came in. We were going to start selling merch along with CD's.

The bell to the store rang, I didn't bother turning around. "Hello." I say in a monotone voice, Jessie was now telling me to greet customers, I didn't see the point though.

"Kat?" The same voice that has strangely been stuck in my head for 3 days speaks up behind me and I instantly lower my head. My hands going to my face, my sunglasses were in my bag in the back.

"Kat, why haven't you text me back?" He asks and I sigh turning around slowly, he grins at me and I look down towards the cash register.

"No sunglasses?" I quickly shake my head. "They are in my bag in the back." I say pointing with my thumb and begin walking towards the back to retrieve them.

"Wait, don't wear them." Ashton says grabbing my arm and I sucked in a breath, I needed my sunglasses.

"O-okay." I say walking back to the working station and continuing what I was doing before he walked in. "When do you get off?" Ashton says and I close my eyes, glad he can't see my expression.

"In an hour." I creak, my mind not thinking, obviously. "Good, I'll take you to dinner. I'll just hang around here." He says and I sigh, my teeth biting into my lip.


"So, where ya been all week?" Ashton says peaking up at me as he chews on his fries.

I touch the bridge of my glasses and shrug. "Busy." Ashton puts his hand on his chin and nods, "You sure you weren't try to avoid me?" He asks and chuckles alittle.

"W-what? Nah, I had work..." I say shaking my head, my hands clammy.

"You haven't been to American Apparel either, you were there almost every other day." He says and I sigh my hand going through my hair.

"I just, I don't know I- you saw my eyes, that's like intense, I feel like you know everything about me and it's weird I just, I don't know." I say biting my lip, my finger touching the bridge of my glasses.

"Well, what's wrong with that? We're getting to know each other, I want to know about you." He says and I shake my head. "No you don't, I'm not interesting."

"To you your not, but I find you interesting. What's wrong with me getting to know you?" He says looking at me with his face slightly tilted.

"I-I just, ugh I'm new to all of this! I don't know what to do or say or what the hell happens." I say putting my head in my hands and sighing.

"What? New to what?" He asks and I roll my eyes, thankful that he can't see them. "To being friends with guys and having guys as friends or like I don't know, I just have alot of things on my mind that interconnect and ugh you wouldn't understand, this is just all very frustrating." I say shaking my head, I take my sunglasses off and put my hands over my eyes rubbing my face.

"Sorry." I mutter shaking my head, my face still covered. "I didn't mean to lash out at you, I just, I don't know." I sigh loudly and hear nothing. Maybe he left, realizing I was just as weird as I looked.

"It's alright." Ashton says quietly, I feel his hands go over my hands pulling them down, my head instantly looks down at the table.

"Let's just chat, ask some questions, simple questions. Yeah?" He asks, his hands still holding onto mine, our food forgotten. My hands are hot in his, no doubt perspiring.

"Sure." I mutter, trying to pull my hands out of his he he holds them, I peek up at him through my lashes and he smiles at me. "Just today, talk to me without your sunglasses on. Just this once." He says pleading and I bite my lip, closing my eyes I sigh and sit up fully.

"I don't like eye contact." I say coughing alittle and looking at Ashton.

"It's fine, I like seeing more of your face." He says and my whole body heats up, I didn't like this affect at all.

"Anyways, let's talk about something.. Um just spout on about yourself I suppose." He says shrugging his shoulders while his face holds a grin, his hands holding onto mine, his thumb caressing the top of my hand. I was in for it.

"Well I live with my best friend, I hate pizza, I dropped out of college, I like to listen to music, I like to be alone, I can't swim, I like the winter, I like to read, my father died when I was 5, I like to drink, I am boring and quiet." I finished my description sighing, look anywhere but Ashton's powerful eyes.

"Why do you hate pizza? What music do you listen to? Why do you like to be alone? What types of books do you like to read? You are not boring." He says and I turn back to him, this guy wanted to know my whole damn life story. And... I kind of liked it.

"It's gross and I don't like cheese. I listen to anything really. Because that's all I've ever known my whole life, to be alone. I like to read love stories, love tragedies. And I am." I finish off and Ashton seems like he has another set of questions in his brain.

"Do you choose to be alone or is that what you think is the only option?" He asks and I furrow my eyebrows, looking straight into his eyes. "What the fuck is that suppose to mean? Look, we can be friends but I don't need a psychiatrist to handle my problems, especially since eI don't even know you. God, don't worry about me." I say grabbing my bag and sunglasses, putting them on I storm out of the diner. I don't really know why I keep lashing out at him, he's just curious.

I'm such a fucking idiot. I sighed loudly as I begin making my way down the sidewalk. "Kat! Goddamit Kat!" Ashton tells from behind me and I roll my eyes turning around, feeling confident now that my sunglasses are on.

Ashton's body runs into mine, considering he didn't know I'd turn around. "I didn't mean to be rude, for fucks sake I just want to get to know you. The real you. And be your friend or something, and friends help each other out and talk to each there before storming off on each other." He says out of breath, our chests bumping alittle, our proximity was close, too close.

I loved someone, and here I was being friends with Ashton. But Ashton was nice and attractive and the 2 and a half weeks I've known him, he knows more about me then my mother. This was wrong.

"So that's it? Your not even going to say anything?" He says his eyebrows furrowed, I felt bad. He was trying so hard to be my friend, and I was being a cold hearted bitch.

"Sorry." I whisper, my finger touching the bridge of my sunglasses. Ashton nods subtly and pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around my body in a hug.

My body ignited in flames, every fucking inch. I knew what this meant. And this wasn't good.

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