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Ashton's POV

"Do you have to go to work?" I whine as Kat gets dressed, her phone blaring on her drawer.

"Yes, just like you do too." She says and I groan, flipping on my back, watching Kat upside down.

"Are you going to answer that?" I say pointing at her phone that's been ringing more then 4 times this passed hour.

"Nope." Kat shortly replies, walking into her bathroom to brush her hair.

I continued to lay on her bed, her phone's loud ringtone annoying me so I stand up, walking to her dresser and grabbing her phone.

Unknown number

It's probably just from a survey she did online, or credit people trying to scam her. I answer, ready to tell whoever is calling to stop calling.

"Hello?" I ask into the receiver.

"Kat? Is Kat there?" A woman's voice asks and I quickly realize it's Meredith.

Oh. "She's uh... She's busy..." I mumble into the phone.

"Oh, okay... Well tell her to please give me a call. This is her boyfriend correct?"

"Yeah, Ashton." I reply back.

"Take care of her.. Tell her I miss her and love her and that I'm sorry.. I'll give her a call later." Meredith says sadly into the phone, I don't even have time to respond before she hangs up.

I stare at Kat's phone for sometime, a couple questions popping into my head.

"She's been trying to talk to me - but I don't want to." Kat says from the bathroom door, her arms crossed over her chest making me jump slightly.

"Why not?" Kat shrugs, her eyes trained on the floor.

"For obvious reasons... Plus it's just pointless." She says walking to sit on her bed, grabbing her shoes from the side of her bed and putting them on.

I was going to continue having this conversation with her but I can tell this topic was too much for her and she didn't want me to continue it.

I sigh, sitting down next to her, I ruffle my wild curly hair.

"Wanna go get lunch before work?" I ask Kat, she turns to me, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, she nods and gets up, walking out her bedroom with me behind her.


"I felt like we haven't spoken to each other or seen each other or kissed each other in a while." I murmur into Kat's hair, after lunch I had drove her to work and she still had some time before she went in so we were leaning against my car, pretending to be an high school couple, because that's what it felt like.

"I kissed you earlier.. And like 2 seconds ago." Kat chuckles, her chin on my chest.

"Yeah but I'm talking about a long... Sweet... Make out session." I whisper on her lips, putting two of my fingers under her chin, she bites her lip, shaking her head slightly.

"Your such a dweeb." She says but I don't bother responding instead I just attach my lips to hers, her arms wrapping around my torso.

"Hello Kat, ready for the day?" A voice says breaking our kiss, Kat's cheeks go red, her eyes bulging.

"Nathan.. Yeah um.. I'm always ready.." Nathan only winks at us, making Kat go red.

"Oh my god... My boss just saw me making out in the parking lot. Oh fuck. I'm screwed." Kat says running her hands through her hair as she begins pacing infront of me.

I chuckle, shaking my head at her. "It's fine, kissing is normal and I'm sure he has a girlfriend or something that he makes it with." I reason.

"Yeah but I'm new! I barely got the job and now I'm making out in the parking lot 5 minutes before I start.." She groans, her hands rubbing her face.

"It's fine, trust me." I speak to her, grabbing her wrists and brining her back to my chest.

"I will never live that down.." She groans again and I chuckle at her embarrassment. She pulls away, her face still extremely red.

"I have to go... I'll call you later I guess." She says and I nod, pecking her lips one last time.

"I'll pick you up."


Hey guys! I was thinking about the book and I'm considering putting some mature content in it. And by mature I just mean more adult things, no smut. I can't write smut and I'm sure if I wrote some you guys will die from laughing at me sooo it'll just be subtle adult things. Nothing intense or weird. We'll just see how it goes yeah?

Happy reading! Xx

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