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I laid tiredly on the mat in the gym, sweat layered on my body. 10 more, I thought.

I used my arms to carry the weight of my upper body as I continued my set of crunches. A groan or two would slip out every couple of times. But I didn't care, I needed an outlet and this was it.

Surely, I felt a little pressured in this new relationship with Ashton. Not pressured in the sense of being with him but being what he wants me to be, what he needs. I don't think I can live up to his 'perfect girlfriend' expectations, not that he's told me he has any but all guys have some way they want their girlfriends to be and to act.

Somewhere deep down inside I knew it wouldn't work between him and I. He deserved better while I deserved... Well I don't know what I deserve, ever since Ashton came into my life I blamed God for my lonely living standards, but, here I was in a relationship with a man that I fancied and for once, he fancied me back.

It was unbelievable. I think I'm in a state of shock. It feels like a dream and at any moment I can be woken up and joined backed with my horrible reality.

Or, my non-sadistic conscious adds, maybe I'm just over thinking everything. Liked I told him earlier, I'm scared of rejection. Maybe I'm secretly just siking myself out.

"Miss? Are you okay?" A voice say from above me making me open my eyes im surprise.

"Oh um yeah.. Just working out." I mumble although I have been laying there for a few minutes, I push myself off the ground only to be met with a pair of blue eyes staring at me.

"You looked very comfortable, sorry for alarming you." The guy says, a innocent smirk on his face. "N-No, it's cool. If you didn't say something I probably would have fell asleep... Well eventually." I ramble, realizing I'm making a fool of myself I just end up shaking my head and turning around.

I begin walking to the cubbies to retrieve Ashton's car keys and my Nike jacket that I was wearing before I started working out.

"Wait - what's your name?" The guy says following me, he was way taller than me, a few inches taller than Ashton no doubt.

"Kat." I mumble, grabbing the thin jacket and lacing my arms through the holes. I felt uncomfortable in just my sports bra with this guy staring me down.

"Nice to meet you, it's James." He smiles brightly, showing his white teeth. He extends his hand out for me to shake.

I hesitantly fit my small one into his, I hate that I was so nervous around men. It's not like I had a traumatic event that made me scared to be around them, I was just so damn socially awkward.

"Hope I'll see you around the gym." He nods his head alittle and I give him a forced grin.

He finally walks away from the cubbie and I sigh, grabbing my phone and keys and making my way out the gym and towards Ashton's car.


It was 8pm going on 9 when I got home, well to Ashton's apartment.

It was dark and quiet and I figured he was in his room, sleeping, like he said he would be.

I walked past his closed door and into my temporary room, going straight to the closet for something to change into after my shower.

I rummaged through my pants and settled in black leggings.

"Kat?" Ashton's voice mumbles as he pushes the door open alittle.

"In here!" I say grabbing a black thin hoodie. Ashton footsteps get closer to the closet.

I turn my head and see that he's sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Just got in?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah, was about to shower... I smell, horrific." I say grabbing my clean clothes and standing up, I exit the closet, closing it behind me.

"Are you hungry? I made pasta earlier." Ashton says watching my every move as I walk around the room, plugging my phone in, grabbing socks from the drawer.

"I am, I was going to eat when I get out the shower." I say looking at him and he nods, standing up.

"I'll wait for you." He says, giving me a small but charming smile before walking out the room.

Well, that's one way to make my heart leap.

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