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Ashton's POV

I had to go see Kat. I had so much worry for her that I wouldn't be able to sleep for the rest of the weekend if I knew she was over there, scared.

To think she had a nightmare about me leaving her for Katherine. I barely knew Katherine and for her to think I'd leave her for her was ridiculous.

She had something mentally going on and I hope this was a break through. I want to break through her last layer wrapping around her heart and be fully engrossed in it.

I didn't know if she was going to open up to me about everything else. I wasn't sure if she'd fully tell me her side of the 'mom' situation. I wasn't sure of anything but I knew I'd get something out of her.

With all these thoughts in my head, I quickly rush into the hotel - her room was on the fourth floor - 23.

Once I'm in the elevator - I can't help but feel happy although Kat's distressed. I loved seeing Kat - in general. I loved being in her presence.

Once the doors open, I rush out only to bump into - what was that guys name? Neil? Nash? Nathan? Nathan!

"Ashton? What are you doing here?" He asks with concerned eyes.

"Uh - Kat, she's not feeling well... She called me last night..." I explain, I didn't want to tell her business to her boss but I couldn't lie either.

"Oh yeah... Tell her I said to feel better.... And that the conference is still on for today - you can escort her - if you'd like." He says and I smile, patting his shoulder.

"Thanks, mate." And with that I begin walking towards her door. Once I stand infront of the dark blue door with the number 23 on it, I knock lightly.

The door opens slowly, Kat's worried eyes showing behind it.

"Hello beautiful." I greet her, widening the door, I grab her waist gently bringing her to my chest.

"Hi." She mumbles, her cheeks are pink, a small smile on her lips but nothing reaches her eyes. They are dull, lifeless, scared.

"Let's get inside - yeah?" I say pushing both of us in her room and closing the door with my foot - not wanting to separate from her hold.

We embrace each other quietly by her door - eyes locked on one another.

"I missed you - even if it was only a night." I say sheepishly grinning at her. She bites her bottom lip, suppressing a grin and nodding her head. "I missed you too."

I just smile back at her, leaning down and pecking her lips, lingering lightly over them. She mumbles something about teasing before putting her hand in the back of my neck and pushing my lips to hers, fully.

I smile into the kiss - lips lapping over one another, tongues invading each other's privacy, the closeness of our chests as they move up and down due to our breathing.

"Someone really missed me, huh?" I tease her, speaking on her lips. Kat chuckles, pulling away and placing her head on my chest.

"I have breakfast - do you want some?" She asks and I nod. "Course."


"I have to start getting ready for the conference..." Kat groans into my chest. After we ate, we cuddled on her bed. Kat was securely laying half on top of me, her hair messily laid out all around her.

"10 more minutes.." I mumble with eyes closed. I was enjoying the quiet and serene time with her. Of course I wanted to ask her all about what she was thinking but she obviously was in a better mood and I didn't want to distract her from the conference.

Kat only sighs and I take that as a yes, so I bring her closer to me, my arms tightening their grip on her small frame.

"You smell like lavender.." Kat muses, lifting her head up to look at me. I shrug, a small grin on my face.

"Your laundry detergent does wonders on my manly stains.." Kat giggles at my words, her eyes crinkle, her perfect white teeth glistening as she sticks her tongue between them. She was so damn beautiful. How could I ever been so lucky to get her.

"Stop staring." She says blushing as she digs her head back into my chest.

"I can't help it, your just so beautiful." I say knowing she'll either groan or tell me to shut up. She never liked compliments.

I chuckle when she does both, grunting a muffled 'shut up' at me.

I only sigh, turning our bodies so I can see her face, her long dark hair pushed behind her, sprawled against the white sheets.

My fingers skim down the side of her body, ever so softly. Kat's eyes closed, her mouth slightly ajar.

"Your going to make me never want to leave this bed." She says opening her eyes. I smile at her, stopping my hands and placing them on her waist.

"Did I ever tell you that your eyes... Are one of my favorite things about you." I speak in a quiet tone, staring into her hazel eyes that shimmer with the daylight leaking through.

"They are?" She asks, her voice coming out so innocently - so sweet.

"Mhm, they are this array of browns and yellows and it's subtle - but when your face is in the light - they are so so loud." I say with amazement.

Kat's cheeks redden at my words, her eyes locked on my Adam's apple. "Your eyes are better." She says quietly, I raise an eyebrow at her and she nods.

"They are green one day - brown the next, so deep and intense.." She says quietly, almost like if she's afraid to admit that.

"In my dream-" she begins, I furrow my eyebrows - her eyes strained on my neck but I let her continue.

"Y-Your eyes. They were so dark and blank and it just - it wasn't you when I was talking to you." Her eyes gloss over and I know she's constraining herself from crying.

"But this is real, you and I. Right now, us." I say placing my finger under her chin to lift her gaze to mine.

She only nods, her eyes stare into mine for a few seconds before she pulls away and stands up from the bed.

"Let's get ready, yeah?" She asks already walking to the bathroom.

I sigh, throwing my head back in the pillow. If only she'd open up to me.


I won't be writing during the conference because nothing will obviously be important so next chapter will probably be another hotel scene, if anyone cares. Lol

Happy reading! Xx

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