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Ashton's POV

I casually had my arm on the back of Kat's chair, a beer in my hand.

Logan, Jessie's boyfriend was currently telling me about how he sold his car for a new one, gipping the car salesman in the process.

"Don't drive near that place or he'll probably catch your plates." I chuckle, sipping my beer. He nods, a smile on his face, knowing he could easily get caught for the lack of payment.

"And here's your meals: hot wings for the lady in black," The waiter says, smiling at Kat as he passes her the plate. She gives him a small nod, his eyes linger on her longer than they should and I fake cough to get him to continue to pass our meals out.

"Salad for the opposite lady," He mumbles faster, lastly passing Logan and I our meals, not even saying anything as he walks away.

"Okay..." Jessie says awkwardly, looking between the three of us.

We began to eat in silence, nothing much to say after that. I mean it's not that I was mad but Kat never believes me when I say that she's beautiful and that tons of guys look at her, she doesn't believe me but that was proof right there. The waiter barely gave any of us eye contact.

As the night continues, we randomly get switched a different waiter, none of us even requested it, he must have felt awkward or something.

"Want another beer?" Logan asks me, I look at my nearly empty bottle and shrug. "Sure."

Logan than gets up, walking to the bar and getting us beers.

I turn to Kat as she talks to Jessie. "Whatcha talkin bout?" I say putting my lips closer to her ear, my nose in her hair, she jumps at the contact of my breath on her ear.

"Stuff." She mumbles turning to me. I give her a smile, leaning over an pecking her lips. A cough makes both Kat and I turn.

"This is really cute and awkward. I'm sorry I put you through that for so long." Jessie chuckles at Kat. Kat rolls her eyes, sitting back normally.

"Yeah, complete torture." Kat says shaking her head. It's Jessie's turn to roll her eyes, waving her hand at Kat. "It wasn't that bad."

I turn just as a chair squeaks, Logan sits down, passing me a beer.

"Thanks man." I say clinking the neck of my beer bottle with his. He nods his head at me and we both take a drink, the girls weren't drinking tonight.

"I'll be back, I'm going to the bathroom." Kat says standing up, I nod, watching as she gets up and walks to the back of the restaurant, near the bathrooms.

I was expecting for Jessie to follow her but I guess both of them weren't that type to go in packs.


Kat's POV

I open each stall, muttering a 'fuck' every time. Each toilet was either over flowing or plastered with crap and I really had to pee.

I sigh, biting my lip, trying to think of what I should do.

The strip club! It's only a cross the street, I can ask to use the bathroom and leave.

I walk out the disgusting girls bathroom and out the door of the restaurant, I see Ashton at the table, talking to both Jessie and Logan. I was going to tell them but I really had to go.

I walk outside, it already being dark, I cross the street seeing the lights of the strip club.

Once I'm infront of it, a bouncer eyes me questionably.

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