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I had called off work today since I had an interview with BW. An interview. They actually emailed me back, requesting I come in - so that's where I was soon to be headed.

I was terribly nervous. This was a large company, requesting me. Me. Out of all the people that could have submitted their resume and blog, they chose me. What are the chances?

I studied my lips carefully as I put my red lipstick on. I only wore red lipstick - this specific lipstick when it was something important. I always felt like red lipstick not only made a girl confident but made you seem more professional - in some ways.

I don't know, either way my palms were still damp and I kept look down at my outfit to see if it was good enough.

I was wearing a loose sheer white blouse with black skinny skinny pants and black flats. My hair was pushed away from my face with bobby pins, I left my hair down considering having it up will make me look younger. So I think.

I sighed once last time, looking at my reflection before grabbing my purse and walking out my room.

I leave Ashton's apartment quickly, wanting to already be at the interview.

"Ashton you scared me!" I gasp as I turn around, I had just finished unlocking my car door when I had felt hands on my waist.

Ashton chuckles, his eyes roaming my face then my outfit.

"Interview today with the company?" He asks and I nod. Ashton gives me a reassuring smile, probably noticing how jittery I was.

"You'll do fine. Trust me." Ashton says pecking my lips, he pulls away with a small smirk on his face.

"I like the lips today." I blush furiously, biting the inside of my cheek. "You do now?"

Ashton makes a 'hmph' noise and I giggle, bringing my thumb to his lips. "You can have it - the lipstick I mean - it looks better on you anyway." I chuckle as I rub the lipstick off his lips.

He chuckles and uses the back of his hand to wipe across his mouth.

"Anyways - I have to get going." I say taking half a step back and Ashton nods, pecking my lips once again.

"Call me after - I wanna hear how it goes." Ashton says, his lips containing a light hue of red. I smile and nod, "I will."


"And this is where the magic happens. I mean - not really but it starts here." Nathan, the producer of half the site says as we walk through a room with bulletin boards and cutouts of random things.

"So did you like what you see?" Nathan asks as we walk back int the room he interviewed me at. I nod my head, a shy smile on my face.

"It's amazing. This place is huge." Nathan smiles back at me and nods. "So what I'm thinking is that you run the Tumblr for a week, see how it goes and then I'll assign you an overall task. The pay starts at 15 an hour, many bonus's are given throughout the year. How does that sound?"

I stared at him, my mouth ajar. I'd run the site. I'd get paid 15 an hour for 5 days every week. I got the job. I GOT THE JOB.

"That sounds amazing - uh when do I start?" I asked sheepishly.


"I got it! I got it!" I squealed into the phone, one hand on the sitting wheel. "I'm so proud babe, I knew you would." Ashton says and I bite my lip, I couldn't stop smiling.

"This is amazing." I breathed out, shaking my head at what just happened minutes ago.

"How far are you from here?" Ashton asks and I look at my surrounding - about 3 blocks away.

"Not far - why?"

"Let's go out tonight, to celebrate."

"We celebrated last time remember?" I chuckle.

"But now it's official." Ashton says and I bite my lip, why not.

"Alright... I'll wait infront." With that, Ashton and I hang up as I continue to drive.

Both my hands go to the steering wheel as I drive through the dark streets. My teeth were sunken into my lip and I wondered why O was trying to hide my happiness. I grinned at my thoughts and squealed aloud. I wiggled in my seat as I continued to drive to Ashton's apartment.

Things were looking better.


"And then Nathan said that eventually I'll get a desk and stuff there so I don't have to come in every so often - I can be there basically 24/7 how great is that?" I gush over the news. I haven't even touched my food. Even though I was hungry - my happiness overpowered my tastebuds.

Ashton stares at me, a smile plays on his lips as his eyes glow under the dim lighting of the restaurant. "What?" I ask, a giggle escaping out of confusion.

"Nothing it's just your so vibrant and beautiful and happy a-and you have this essence about you that just I don't know - but I love you very much." Ashton says breathing out the words, shaking his head slightly.

I instantly look down at my plate, my face hot. "I love you too." I mumble back, giving him a smile as he leans across to table to peck my lips.

"Let's eat, yeah?" I nod at his words, grabbing his hand from across the table and intertwining our fingers.

"Thank you." I whisper under my breath.


What did you guys think?! I'm excited and terrified with the upcoming chapters. Eek.

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