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28 minutes. It took Ashton 28 minutes to get me out of the car and to the front door of my moms house.

Don't get me wrong I loved her because she's my mom but she can be hurtful especially when she's with my brother and he'll most likely be here.

"It can't be that bad." Ashton says, wrapping an arm around my waist, his hand going to the doorbell to ring it.

"It's not that bad but it's just been awhile, I don't know how much of a grudge she has left." I say staring at the peep hole, I can hear noise on the other side.

"Don't worry, I'm here with you for support." Ashton says pecking my lips at the same exact time the door flies open.

"Kat and boyfriend!" My mom says cheerfully, both Ashton and I's faces are red from embarrassment but it doesn't really matter.

She pulls us inside, hugging Ashton she then turns to me, giving my shoulder a squeeze she nods her head towards the kitchen.

"Have you guys ate? Kat are you starving yourself? You look like a empty toothpaste bottle." She chuckles as she trails the way to the kitchen.

I frown and instantly look down at my figure, I didn't feel thinner.

Ashton's arm reattaches to my waist, his lips close to my ear. "Your beautiful."

I turn to give him a small smile but its not genuine knowing this was going to continue all weekend.

"We uh we ate." I answer her as we enter the kitchen slash dining room, a pizza box on the table, I instantly cringe. She knows I hate pizza.

"Oh, are you sure? Boyfriend?" She asks Ashton and I groan. "I told you his names Ashton over the phone." I say through slightly gritted teeth.

"Oh don't get feisty, this is new to me ya know." She rolls her eyes at me, obviously referring to never meeting a boyfriend of mines.

"So Ashton, pizza?" She says glaring at me then smiling sweetly at Ashton.

He smiles politely at her, shaking his head. "No, like she said we ate before we got here." He chuckles and she nods, that fake smile plastered on her face.

"Well then let's sit atleast," She says pulling Ashton a table chair, I sigh and grab one next to him, she sits across from us. "Your father wouldn't approve." She mutters under her breath. She covers it up with a cough and begins to fake smile at both of us, I know Ashton heard.

"He would, but that's besides the point." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Don't argue you with me." She says shaking her head. I scoff, she was ridiculous.

I feel Ashton's hand being placed on my thigh, squeezing it gently I know he's only trying to reassure me.

"Look who the car dragged in." The famous voice of my brother says from behind me.

"Sibling." I say turning to him, I watch as he walks and sits next to my mom, this is how it always was.

Them against me.

But this time... I have Ashton.

"How formal of you." He rolls his brown eyes at me and I nod, we had that relationship. Sarcastic assholes to each other with a hint of love, not much but just a hunch.

"Mhm." I respond, my eyes go between my brother and mother and I wait for them to speak.

"Where'd you guys meet?" My brother asks, not even looking at me now. His eyes fully trained on Ashton.

"My job." Ashton says and my brother nods. "Which is?"

"American Apparel."

My brother makes a 'hmph' noise and then looks at me. He opens his mouth to speak but I beat him to it.

"I didn't come here for you guys to overanalyze us. Your family and for once I don't want bullshit hitting the fan." I say staring at both my mother and brother, I really wish my dad was here.

My brother nods, his hands crossed.

"Then what did you come here for? Considering you haven't seen us in how long?" He asks and I bite my lip, this was a two way street.

"To visit! And you guys don't even bother with me!" I say furrowing my eyebrows at them, Ashton's hand has been rubbing my thigh but I've ignored the sensation for now.

"Well I'm sure if your father was here you'd come more often now would you?" My mother snickers, rolling her eyes and I nod vigorously.

"Hell yeah I would. Better yet he'd go visit me." I say, my face red with frustration. We've only been here for 15 minutes.

"No need to get all upset, go wash your face and then come back to the living room with us." My mom says standing up, my rn other following suit.

I sat completely dumbfounded. She had the nerve. I couldn't believe it. Actually I could.

"Come on now, Ashton lets go sit." My mother says grabbing Ashton's arm. He looks at me and I nod, letting him know he can go.

He sighs and gets up,following my brother into the living room.

"Fix your attitude. Your not daddy's little fucking princess anymore. " my mom says once were alone.

I chuckle dryly, tears already in the edges of my eyes.

"Why? Why do you hate me? Because my father gave me more attention then he did with you? I'm his daugh-ter, obviously he's going to treat me differently." I say standing up from the table.

"Why'd you come? I didn't call you and ask to see you? You wanted to show off your new boyfriend? Big whoop. I hope you loose him how I lost your father." My mother threatens and I don't even care as my tears carelessly fall down my face.

"I'm your blood, yet you treat me like this? For what?"

"I have family that isn't blood and blood that isn't family." She says and I roll my eyes.

"But your my mother." She shrugs her shoulders, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It should have been you that died not my husband." She says and that's when I let the rest of my tears fall, my vision blurry.

I speed walk out the kitchen, passing the living room. I her Ashton call from behind me but I ignore him as I storm out the house.

"Kat - babe - wait." Ashton shouts, grabbing my elbow, he turns me around, I don't even bother to talk as I fall into his chest, wetting his t-shirt in the process.

Ashton's arms wrap around my body, his chin on my head. I barely make out his soothing words as my mothers repeats in my head.

This was the worst fucking thing I could have ever done.


This sucked, sorry everything kind of happened so fast but this book isn't revolving around this one event so yeah! What did you guys think?

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