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I was a nervous wreck. In the car ride to the airport, on the plane, when we got our car rental, and now - I was shitting bricks.

We were currently at our hotel but today was the day. Not only was I going to meet Ashton's family but also wear something I never would have ever wore before.

My heart was beating way too fast for my liking.

"Babe, calm down. Everything will be okay." Ashton says as he digs through his small suitcase he brought, since he couldn't find a tote. Pfft, guys.

"I'm fine. I'm good. I'm going to um - change and get ready and stuff.." I ramble, taking my purse into the bathroom with me.

I am quick to lock the door, dropping my bag onto the sink.

My hands reach for the zipper, opening the bag and exposing the obscure attire - well obscure to me.

I sighed as I pulled out the yellow sundress I had recently bought. It wasn't the same exact one from my dream - nightmare - but it reminded me of it.

I honestly don't know why I bought it. Maybe to impress Ashton or his family - or see how the other side of life feels like? Who knows.

I shimmed out my clothes, staring at the bright dress before me. Was looking like a fucking banana worth Ashton's love? Fuck yes.

Putting the dress above my head, I let it fall right on to my shoulders - the dress fitting me perfectly.

I hate that it fitted so nicely.

"I fucking hate yellow." I mutter to myself as I begin to brush my hair - quickly deciding on just putting it in a ponytail, letting a few strays loose around my face.

I apply minimal makeup, I decide to leave my lips be considering the dress is already eye bulging enough.

I spray perfume over my head, letting it sprinkle onto my exposed shoulders.

Once I'm finally done, I give myself a quick once over and walk out the bathroom - my heart in my throat.


Ashton's POV

I button the top of my jeans, pulling the zipper up afterwards. I walk back to my bag, spraying my cologne on my chest and neck.

I hear the bathroom door open and I give a once over that is until something catches my eye.

Kat. And not just Kat. Kat's clothes.

"Holy... Shit." I mutter as she bashfully walks towards me, placing her bag onto the counter.

"What are you - why are you? Wow." I stutter, my eyes continuing to roam up and down Kat's figure.

Most of her hair was pushed out her flawless face, her cheeks naturally pink, her beautiful shoulders and collarbones put on display just like her silky smooth legs.

"I uh..." Kat chuckles nervously, her hands fidgeting. "I just decided to throw this on - ya know, just cause." She shrugs, her eyes nervously meeting mine.

"You look different. Beautiful and just so - youthful." I murmur, my eyes not moving away from her face.

I can't help but reach out and pull her into my chest, her hands clammy. She was nervous and definitely anxious.

"Why'd you do it?" I ask quietly, she didn't just throw this on for shits and giggles.

"Do what?" She asks gulping just a smudge.

"Do this... You do know your beautiful in your normal clothes, right." I say gesturing to her dress. Her yellow floral dress. I need to remind myself to get a picture of her later.

"I just want to impress your family... I don't want to scare them away with all my black clothing." Kat chuckles quietly, her head hung lower, her eyes not meeting mine.

"You don't need to impress anybody."

"I have to impress you... How else would we keep this relationship alive if I'm the same old Kat.." Kat says pouting slightly.

"You don't have to impress me. You don't need to. I fell in the love with Kat that always wore her sunglasses. I fell in love with the Kat that secretly hated me. I fell in love with the Kat that always, always wore black. I simply fell in love with you, Kat." I speak to her, my finger under her chin so she doesn't drop her gaze.

"But you'd still love me if I changed right? If I decided to always wear pink or if I shaved my head completely, you'd still love me?" Kat asks, innocence and vulnerability laced in her voice.

"Of fucking course. It's not about looks. It's about you still being you. I love you because your funny and sweet and caring and so damn smart. I didn't fall in love with you because we had the same sense of style." I speak with a small smile on my lips.

"Wow." Kat mutters, her eyes wide at my words. "I never thought I'd ever hear any of those words... Ever."

"Well I'm glad I told you them." I speak confidently, my face nearing hers.

"Me too." She whispers on my lips as I bring my lips to hers, attaching them. I feel the same spark I always felt when I kissed her. That - damn, I love you type of spark.

I slowly pull away once her fingers have found my hair.

"We should get going... We can continue this later." I smirk at her, pecking her lips before taking a step out of her embrace.

"Alright," she sighs dramatically and I can't help but chuckle.

"Come on, my mom said she started cooking at like 6 am."


Short chapter but I'd say the next 3 chapters will definitely be 'read worthy' ;) HOPEFULLY, unless I fuck it up lol. But yeah 10 more chapters left till it's overrrrrr ://////// I am strongly considering doing a sequel but I think if I do do one, it'll be shorter and hopefully more well written then this one. But I don't know.... I have to really brainstorm and stuff.

So as always, happy reading!xx

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