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Ashton's POV

I was coming at Kat with a new tactic, a new way of approaching her. Which was not questioning her. Not even bothering to seem the slightest bit concerned. I feel like I put so much pressure on her to tell me things that's why now she's shutting me out, so, I'll back off and be mindless to the situation and let her come to me, willingly.

This is full proof. There's no way this couldn't work. I know Kat like the back of my hand, she'll be questioning me as soon as she gets back from her trip - I know it. I know it.


Kat's POV

I had my own room, it was in between Nathan's and John room, Katie and Julie were on the opposite side of the hallway - across from me and John.

I placed my bag on the floor near my bed, instantly walking to the balcony it had.

It was only barely noon so the sun was still bright, there were a few people out and about but not as many.

"Kat! What up neighbor!" Nathan says from his balcony, I give him a stiff smile and small wave before escaping back into my room.

I grab for my purse, my phone beginning to ring.

I answer it without a doubt, hoping for Ashton's voice to vibrate through my ears.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Kat before you hang up!" Meredith rushes out and I instantly deflate. I really should check the caller ID.

"Please - give me a chance, we - I need to tell you more, I want to see you. I want to be in your life." She says sadly and for a second I feel bad for the lady.

"I can't." I respond, my hands playing with the loose fray at the top of my jeans.

"Please. I really want to speak with you and make this right. I'm free tomorrow or anytime this weekend. I live in Belthrow but I can drive to go see you, please." She says desperately and I internally groan. Why did this convention have to be in Belthrow? She had to be stalking me or something. The irony was - ironic.

"I have to go Meredith - I'm busy this weekend but I'll think abou-"

"Thank you! Oh thank you so much! I love you very much!" She cheers into the phone then hangs up. I didn't even say yes?

I sigh, plopping down on my bed, I dial Ashton's number, he answers on the third ring.

"Hey baby," he says with a muffled mouth, he was probably eating.

"Hi," I say through a breath.

"What's up? Did you guys just get there?" He asks and I hear him swallow so I know he's ate something.

"Yeah - maybe 20 minutes ago? But yeah, I'm just locked up in my room. Might call for room service or something." I shrug although he can't see me.

"What are you doing?" I ask quietly, I always felt so nosy asking what someone else was doing.

"Raiding your fridge, don't worry I'll refill it." He says chuckling and I bite my lip - a huge smile playing on my lips.

"You better."

Ashton makes a 'hmph' noise and I figured the conversation has died. "Well," I sigh, staring at my fingernails.

"I'll let you get back to that - I'll talk to you later or tomorrow or something." I say just as I hear Ashton drinking something.

"Okay baby, I'll call you." He says and I nod as if he was in the room.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And with that the phone call died and I was under my covers, my shoes thrown on the floor as I cuddled with myself.

A nap wouldn't hurt.


"Don't touch me." He sneered, yanking his hand out my grasp.

"Ashton - where are you going?" I sobbed, standing in front of the door before he can escape. His face was full of venom, just like his voice. His neck veins were popped out - his dimples nowhere to be seen.

"Get. Out. My. Way." He says angrily at me and I shake my head. I didn't want him to leave, I loved - love him.

"Ashton, tell me. We can make this work! I can change. I'll do whatever you want. I - you can't leave me." I begged, reaching my arms out to grab his shoulders but he shook his head at me, pushing me out the way and walking out of the place, slamming the door behind him.

I reach for the doorknob, ready to chase after him but there's knocking, a banging, really, behind the door. I furrow my eyebrows - wiping my ferocious tears and try to open it but it won't budge. The pounding gets louder as I struggle to open the door.

"Kat!" Ashton's voice yells, I try to open the door but it won't budge.

"Ashton! It won't open!" I cried - he pounded the door more till it flew open but it wasn't him - it was Nathan.

"Kat!" Nathan's voice yells through my door, making me jump in fright. My body is soaked in sweat - my tears covered my cheeks - I looked around the unfamiliar setting before remembering I was on a business trip.

The pounding is louder and I flinch, jumping out my bed and jogging to the door.

I instantly throw it open - only to be met with 4 pairs of eyes.

"We've been calling you for ages," Julie chuckles and I instantly blush in embarrassment.

"S-Sorry I dozed off.." I stutter nervously. This wasn't a good look for me.

"Did you want to come with us for lunch?" John asks and I instantly shake my head.

"No, no, I'm fine. You guys go. I need some rest.." I say and everyone nods, Nathan's eyes stay on me particularly longer then I wanted them to be I just look to the floor.

"Okay, well make sure your up tomorrow at 10 for the convention." Nathan says winking at me and I nod.

"Alright - see you guys tomorrow." I wave at them and close my door. I lean my back against it, sliding down, I put my head in my hands.

I don't know how long I can take this dream without going insane.

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