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It's been a whole week and a half since I've seen Ashton. We've talked through texts or sometimes on the phone, but mostly text. He's been wanting to hang out but I've told him I was busy, and I was.

I was renting out the house and was looking for an apartment, along with work and the gym, I rarely had time to breath.

But in two days, I'll be moved out. I found this place, a single bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment for a very good price. I'll definitely have more money for American Apparel.

Now I just needed to contact people for my house and pack my stuff. And I never realized I had a lot till I started buying boxes in bulk.

Kitchen appliances, living room furniture (or what's left of it), and my bedroom junk along with the bathroom stuff.

I huffed in annoyance as I tried to lift a box I just packed to the top, no doubt putting too much in it.

I place a hand on my hip, looking around the messy house. And idea quickly spurring in my mind. I grabbed my phone and dial Ashton's number, my teeth gnawing at my lip.



"What's up?"

"Want to come over? I-I need help packing."

"Sure, I'll be there soon."

"Okay." I sigh as I hang up, I hate that I get nervous around him and all jittery.

Since I have to wait for Ashton to get here, I begin making a salad for myself. I was thinking of going vegan, sure I loved meat but I liked that my body was getting a bit slimmer and toner. I wanted to get even more thinner.

A knock at the door interrupts my thoughts of a thinner body and I instantly stand up, wiping my mouth of any salad dressing.

I open to door to see Ashton in a black tank top and gray joggers with vans on his feet. And... A bandana around his head?

"What's with the bandana?" I ask letting him in.

"My hairs getting crazy long and it'll keep any sweat away from my eyes." He says shrugging and I nod.

"Well... I need help carrying this box to that corner over there.." I mumble pointing at the location and Ashton nods, squatting to grip the box then lifting it with ease.

I try to avert my eyes from his biceps, the veins in his arms and neck, his large hands gripping the box....

"What else?" Ashton asks wiping his hands, he stands directly infront of me and I instantly step back alittle.

"U-Uh w-we can just finish the bathroom junk." I say shaking my head and walking past him. He follows me to the bathroom, one empty box sitting on the floor ready to be filled.

"Actually lets do... The kitchen, I still have to live here." I awkwardly chuckle and close the bathroom. Ashton laughs and walks into the kitchen, his eyes going to the half eaten salad sitting on the counter.

"Can I have a bite?" He asks and I shrug. He grabs the fork, stabbing a few leaves and puts it in his mouth. I watch as his eyes flutter closed, his lips darting out to wipe his lips.

"What dressing is this?" He asks his mouth half full. "Just something I wiped up." I shrug, it was just whatever I found in my fridge.

Italian, a salad spritzer and some leftover duck sauce. It looked a bit weird but tasted good, really good apparently.

"It's really good." Ashton chuckles and I realized he's finished all of it. "Let's get started yeah?" I ask, a small smile on my face as I sit on my kitchen floor.

Ashton does the same, sitting infront of me, a large grin on his face. "Pass me the tape."


"It's like one in the morning." I yawn and look at all the work Ashton and I accomplished within 6 hours.

"I didn't mean to take up your evening." I apologize and watch as Ashton stretches his body on my floor, his large legs looking even longer.

"It's fine, so when do you move into your new place?" He asks standing up and leaning on the counter behind him.

"Sunday." I yawn once again and Ashton nods. "Call me and I'll help you because I doubt you can do this by yourself." He says looking around, a small smirk on his face.

"Yeah, I'll give you a call." I smile at him and he nods, his teeth biting his lower lip. "So... I guess this means I have to leave." He chuckles awkwardly and I nod.

"I'd let you stay if I had a couch." I chuckle and Ashton waves me off. "It's cool, I'll see you Sunday." He says grabbing his car keys and walks towards the door, I follow closely behind him.

He takes a step outside and then turns around to face me.

"Are we cool?" He asks scratching his hair, his eyes staring deeply into mine.

"Yeah, I mean, if you want us to be..." I say shrugging, my palms sweaty.

"Alright." He breathily says, a big grin sits on his lips.

"Um... I'll see you." I say trying to cut the awkwardness short for tonight.

"Goodnight." Ashton says smiling at me, he leans down so his face is inches to mine. For a second I think he's going to kiss me but when I feel his nose nudge my cheek I know he's giving me a cheek kiss.

My eyes flutter at the touch of his lips on my cheek, my heart beating. He lingers alittle longer than usual than pulls away.

"Night." He smiles at me, biting his lip as he walks to his car backwards.

"Night." I reply as I close the door and sigh.

He was going to be the death of me.

unrequitedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang