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That bastard fractured my rib. Trashed my house. I just had the best luck.

"Remember, take the pill twice a day. With water... Rest, don't move around much. Um.. That's about it, do you have any questions?" The Doctor, Linda asks me with a smile and sweet voice.

"I'm good... I guess." I shrug and and she gives me sympathetic smile and pats my knee leaving me alone. I wasn't good though. I was terrified to sleep at my house, afraid those guys might come back. Half my furniture had to be thrown away. My replacement phone wasn't coming for another week, I had to go to work and workout, surely I couldn't stop working out.

"Can you leave now?" Ashton asks making me jump in surprise. "Uh yeah," I say shaking my head, so much to do and think and I didn't know where to start.

"Here, let me help you." Ashton says grabbing my hand and helping me off the bed, a groan slips through my lips.

"Not too much pressure, just lean on me." He noted and I nod, I didn't trust my voice right now.


"Are you hungry?" Ashton asks and just then did I realize he's in yesterday's clothes, did he sleep at the hospital?

"Did you sleep at the hospital?" I ask voicing my thoughts. Ashton looks down at his clothes and starts his car.

"Well, yeah. Why wouldn't I?" He says simply, shrugging as he begins driving out of the parking lot.

"I-I don't know." I mumble looking out the window. "And I'm not really hungry, but you, you eat." I say looking at his profile then back out the window when he turns to look at me.

"I ate in the cafeteria." Ashton answers and I nod. I play with a loose fray on Ashton's car seat, should I thank him? Did I need to thank him? Of course I did.

"Thanks... For everything." I mutter looking at him but then turning so my back is slightly to him. Ashton's hand goes to my knee, the other holding onto the stirring wheel.

"No problem, what are..friends for.." He says squeezing my knee and I try to stifle a smile but I can't help but feel hurt. For some odd reason I thought he'd say he likes me and would want to be more than friends. Especially since yesterday.

"I'm her boyfriend!" He yelled through all the chaos and the throbbing pain I felt, I heard that clear as day.

I wish it was true, believe it or not. I wish we were more than just friends. More than nothing. I want him to mean more than he already does to me. As I for him.

But we all know that won't happen. This isn't the fairy tales where the girl gets the prince and they live happily ever after.

But no, this is the real world. Where real shit, crazy, uncalled for shit happens and you can't do anything but be an incident bystander. And yeah it sucks... But it's life.

"Why are you crying?" Ashton asks and I furrow my eyebrows, touching my cheeks. "I uh, nothing." I chuckle trying to hide my true feelings.

I wipe away under my eyes and Ashton eyes me oddly for a few seconds before continuing to look forward onto the road.

"You don't have to lie.." He says softly, in a tone that says he wants me to open up to him, but I won't.

"I'm not. I'm just..." Think of something Kat, come on... Oh I got it! "Stressed. With all the paperwork and mess in my house, I just have no time to breath. Plus I need to hit the gym." I say and I don't feel bad for telling that to Ashton because for the most part, it was true.

"You shouldn't go to the gym for like a month." Ashton says looking at me then back at the road. "I can't, I need to go. I'll probably go tomorrow." I say defiantly.

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