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Ashton's POV

My fingers played with the ends of Kat's hair, the sound of cars and trees slowly blowing in the wind can be heard faintly.

Kat's head was to my chest, both of us lying in the grass, next to her fathers tombstone.

"We've been here for five hours.." She says looking at me, surprised. I give her a faint smile and nod, "Didn't feel long."

She nods, taking a deep breath she sits up, placing her elbows on her knees.

"Maybe we should go."

"You sure? We can stay till it gets dark." I say, sitting up as well. She shakes her head no, her eyes trained on her fathers name.

"It's already getting a little dark, let's just go back to the hote-"

Both Kat and I look down to her phone that rings in her pocket. She furrows her brows, reaching for it, her eyes scan the screen and her eyes widen alittle.

"I'll be right back." She mutters, standing up, she begins walking towards a tree, her phone attached to her ear.

I sit, starring as she begins talking to whoever's on the other end. She's too far to hear anything, but I can see she's biting her lip.

I turn to her fathers tombstone, rubbing my fingers over the engraving.

"Sorry I couldn't meet you or that I couldn't meet your daughter sooner. Just know I'll continue to protect her no matter whatever happens in life. I hope you are watching over us, over her..." I say, glancing at the orange-yellow sky. I continue to sit, thinking of an abundance of things. Nothing seemingly important knowing that Kat was in love with me.

We had to celebrate. Did she bring a going out outfit? I'd have to ask.

Kat begins walking back towards me, her fingers rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"Who was that?" I ask, hoping she'd tell me.

"My brother... He said that my mom is sorry about what she said and that we should go back over there."

I nod slowly, waiting for her response. "And what did you say?"

"I said no, I don't think I can see or speak to my mother for a while... Too much crap between us, her really." Kat says shaking her head. I nod, standing up, I instantly pull Kat into me.

"Did you bring a nice outfit? Like a going out outfit?" I ask, crossing my fingers that she did.

"I think I threw in a nice outfit - heels too. I thought for once I'd be able to go somewhere nice with my mother," Kat says rambling, her attention going back to me instantly. "Why?"

"I want to take you out, a fancy romantic dinner. Just to celebrate us being.... ya know, in love." I mutter the ending, realizing how much of a little bitch I sounded.

Kat gives me a smile and nods. "Alright, then maybe we should leave now."

I nod, grabbing the basket and Kat's hand and make our way to the car.


I run my fingers through my hair trying to fix it in someway, something about tonight is making me nervous and anxious.

Maybe it's because of how close and strong mine and Kat's relationship has grown within the not so long amount of time.

I sat on the hotel bed, waiting for Kat to finish whatever she was doing in the bathroom.

I'm glad I brought this black button up shirt, although I still have my black jeans on.

"Okay I think I'm ready." Kat mumbles as she walks out the hallway and into the room, she goes to her bag, putting whatever she has way.

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