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"I should have put money on it! Damn it." Lewis chuckles, slapping the table that we were currently sitting at. Ashton sat comfortably next to me, his arm casually slung over the back of my chair, his fingers playing with the ends of my hair.

Lewis and Frankie sat across from us, sending me multiple winks every time Ashton offered me something or would touch me in anyway.

"Wow." I rolled my eyes, grabbing my beer I take a sip. I feel Ashton's eyes on me, like always. I'm not saying I dislike it cause I don't but I've realized that he's almost always staring at me and I don't know why he does.

"Oh! On another topic, I'm dating a girl... She's blonde and has blue eyes.. Really fit." Frankie describes his new fling and I roll my eyes. Typical.

"Congrats?" I mumble, confused on what he wanted my response to be.

"Yeah! She's coming tonight. But she said she had to bring her brother, hope he's not a dip." Frankie says looking around the bar.

"Wait so I'm solo tonight? Ugh, be right back." Lewis says going to the bar, either for more beer or girls.

"How long have you seen this girl?" Ashton asks Frankie. Frankie shrugs and plays with his pint.

"About a week? Yeah." Frankie answers himself and Ashton nods at him.

"Oh she's here! Ugh and I'm guessing thats her brother." Frankie says disappointedly. I chuckle and turn to the blonde walking towards our table, she's cute I guess. My eyes move to her apparent brother and my eyes bulge, it's the guy from the gym.

What was his name? Fuck.

"Hey Frank." The girl says giving him a kiss on the cheek. I avert my eyes to the beer in my hand, putting it to my lips I hear Frankie say my name.

"Kat, this is Becca and her brother James."

I stifle a smile at the pretty girl and give a small nod towards James, this was awkward.

"Kat from the gym, nice to see you again." James says smiling at me, I give him a small smile and turn to Ashton.

"Can I have your beer?" He looks at me weirdly but passes me his beer without question. I push my empty bottle and take a sip of Ashton's.

"James, want a beer?" Frankie offers and James nods. "I'll be back." Frankie says, taking Becca with him.

"So you guys know each other?" Ashton finally asks. I look to Ashton and to James then back to Ashton.

"I met her while she was laying on the gym floor, comfortable little thing." James chuckles and I smile politely and Ashton nods his head.

"Well I'm Ashton, her boyfriend." He smile at James, extending his hand out for him to shake. James takes it and smile at him.

This is too weird. It was the first time Ashton ever introduced himself as my boyfriend, for a second I thought he never would because he would be embarrassed but I guess I was wrong.

"Lucky guy, you got a looker." James says winking at me. Ashton chuckles dryly and places his hand firmly on my shoulder.

"Yeah she has a personality too."

I didn't know what to do. This was also the first time Ashton kind of was being protective and instinctive about me. I was stunned but elated at the fact that he cared for me.

"I'm sure." James says nodding just as Becca and Frankie come back, along with Lewis who has a random brunette under his arm.

"Here you go, got you guys another round." Frankie says handing beers around our small table.

Ashton and I mumble a thank you, taking the beers, everyone quickly falls into a chat amongst each other.

"James fancies you." Ashton mumbles in my ear and I furrow my eyebrows, "Me? No." I chuckle awkwardly and Ashton rolls his eyes.

"Atleast it doesn't matter whether he fancies you or not." Ashton says a light smirk on his lips. "Why?"

"Because your mine." Ashton says staring at me intently. I bite my lip to hide the smile threatening to spill.

"Right?" Ashton asks nearing my face and I nod. "Yeah, I suppose." I chuckle quietly and Ashton smiles at me, sticking his index finger under my chin he pecks my lips and I blush, we never kissed in public before.

I turn to the group, thankful no one was paying attention to us.

"Let's get this party going, yeah!" Lewis shouts, holding two bottles, one vodka and one tequila. Well that just have cost him a fortune.


I didn't drink as much as I thought I would. I had two beers, 3 shots and for once I wasn't a blubbering mess.

Ashton on the other hand, he was drunk. I kind of liked him drunk though. He was bubbly and happy and tonight he seemed so drunk that he wouldn't remember tomorrow, which is why I'm okay with that because I can practice being a girlfriend.

Weird situation but I'm making it work.

Ashton and I currently drifted off to the far back of the bar, a booth seating just us two.

"Y'know I don't mean to get drunk whenever we go out but it just happens, y'know?" Ashton chuckles, words slurred and all.

"I know, your just a light weight." I shrug, smiling at the drunk next to me.

"Your awfully smiley and sweet to me right now? Am I with my girlfriend or did she ditch me?" Ashton laughs, hiccuping at the end of his sentence.

"It's boring ole Kat, I'm just trying to be better... For us." I say hoping he had enough drinks to not remember any of this.

"Your not boring and your as best as it gets." He smiles cheekily at me, leaning closer to me and sloppily attaching his lips to mine.

I chuckle and push him off, half his weight was already almost on me.

"What's your ideal girlfriend?" I ask after Ashton settles down next to me.

"You." He says with his eyes half closed, a dazed look on his face.

"Like foreal, dream girl?" I pester hoping he'd start describing who he wants to be with so I can maybe transform myself into that.

"Well sense you asked... She has to be funny.. Sweet... Nice.. Should know how to cook and clean and y'know be a lady. She has to love wholeheartedly and she has to be pretty." He slurs, chuckling as if he said a joke.

I frowned at his words. I was none of that. He gets nothing out of me.

"I described you, by the way." He says slinging his arm around my shoulder, practically bringing me into his lap.

"No you didn't."



"Yes I did, I'm starting to think I know you better than you know you." He says nudging his head into my neck.

I sigh and try to enjoy the rest of the night although I know I won't because Ashton goddamn Irwin wins at being a fucking gentleman even when he's drunk.

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