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It was like 2 in the morning and I was a bit drunk. Jessie and Lewis had called an Uber, and they had asked if I wanted to come along but I declined. I liked walking in the brisk air alone.

I walked down the quiet and dark streets, my head constantly turning left and right. I had a craving for pizza although I hated it so I walked to the 24 hour pizza shop, figuring it'll make me sober faster.

The bell rung overhead and it made the few people in the shop turn to me. I put my sunglasses over my eyes although I probably looked ridiculous and walked to the cash register.

"Can I get one sausage pizza slice and a water." The man nodded and took my money, a few minutes later he handed me a slice in a triangle box and a water.

"Thanks." I muttered before sitting in the corner of the shop, before I could even open my pizza box Ashton pops up infront of me.

"It's pretty late for you to be alone isn't it." He says and I shrug, my eyes on my water bottle. "I'm a bit drunk and needed to get sober." I say looking up through my darkened lenses and Ashton grins at me. "Mind if I sit with you?"

I really wanted to be alone. "Sure." My mind was obviously buzzing. He takes a seat across from me and I open my water bottle, taking a drink from it.

"So, this might be straight forward but I've noticed something about you.. Why do you wear sunglasses all the time? Especially now, like they aren't necessary, but you wear them anyways.." He says putting his head on his hand I look out the window, I didn't like eye contact.

"Hard to explain." I shrug and I take my water bottle, lifting it to my lips and turning to Ashton. "I like your shirt." I say staring at the black shirt with holes in it. "Thanks." He chuckles looking down at it.

"Do you want this? I actually hate pizza, I was trying to be like a normal drunk adult and eat pizza but it's gross and now that it's infront of me I don't really want it, so do you want it?" I say pushing the triangle box towards him. He just smiled at me and I touch the bridge of my sunglasses, my tongue coming out to wet my dry lips.

"What?" I ask and he just shrugs. "That's the most you have ever said to me." I don't know why he's smiling so much. I can talk, I just normally don't.

"Oh." I say coughing alittle and drinking my water. This kid made me awkward. "So you don't like pizza yet you came here and spent your money on a slice?"

"It seemed like a good idea at the time." I shrug and he smiles at me. He smiled too much. I don't remember a time I was genuinely happy and smiled that much.

"Well, I just ate a few so no thank you." He chuckles a bit and pushes the box to the middle of the table. I nod and pick at my nails. "So tell me about yourself." Ashton says and just then did I realize how much he talks. I liked silence. Or so I thought.

"Well there's not much to know. I don't live an exciting life." I say shrugging. "Doesn't mean it's not interesting." He says trying to defy me and I shake my head. "I'm about as interesting as a cup of coffee." He smiles at that and shakes his head.

"I feel like I can learn a lot from you." He says and I furrow my eyebrows. Never had I heard before that someone can learn something from me. This was a first. "Learn? From me? A college drop out? I doubt it." I say sitting back in my chair.

"Looks like we have something in common. And I learned something about you." He says seeming content with it. I on the other hand felt a weird feeling about all of this. Who was I and since when did I talk to people I just met.

"I should go." I say after a while and Ashton stands up as soon as I do. "Yeah, it's like 3 am. Need a lift?"

"I was going to walk." I say shrugging as I walked passed him. I heard him follow behind me, this was weird. Never had I had this type of interaction.

"Walk? At the 3 in the morning. Your crazy, here let me give you a ride." He says walking infront of me and towards a black car. I stood there as he unlocked the door, unsure of what to do.

"I won't take no for an answer." He grins at me and I suck in a breath, my feet begin walking towards the car and I start to think that I'm going crazy.

"Doesn't it feel weird to wear sunglasses at night? Makes things difficult to see." Ashton says starting the car. I pull my seatbelt on and shake my head. "I'm use to it. But I only where them when I interact with people." I say and quickly regret it. I didn't like telling people that. Although, I had no one tell tell it to.

"What do you mean?" He asks as he begins driving out of the parking lot. "I'm the worst at eye contact. It's a weakness, I don't, I don't like people looking at my eyes." I say as I began giving him instructions to my house.

"What color are your eyes?" He asks as he turns down a street. "Hazel." I say looking at him then back out the window. "Can I see them?" He asks as we wait at a red light and I instantly shake my head.

"What? Why?" He whines and I look away. "I have this theory in my head that if you look into people's eyes you will see everything, bad and good. That's very revealing. So, I wear sunglasses a lot." I say sighing and picking at my nails.

"Told you I'd learn something from you." He chuckles and continues to make his way to my house, of course me giving him directions.

"Thanks for the lift.." I say opening the door and putting one leg out. "Don't worry about it, I'll text you soon maybe so we can hang out?" He asks, his tongue grazing over his bottom lip.

"Y-Yeah." I cough and step out of his car, closing the door behind me I walk up the steps of my house.

I put the key in and realize Ashton's still here in the car. I take one more glance at him and he waves at me, I nod my head alittle and walk inside my house.

Once the door is shut I hear his car drive away and I sigh contently. This was all terribly weird and confusing and I don't know what the hell I'm doing or should be doing.

But of course, I'm most likely over analyzing everything.

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