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Ashton's POV

When I saw Kat sitting with James, nothing bad came to mind. Of course, I was a tad bit jealous with her having lunch with another guy but look at me - having lunch with another girl other than Kat. I couldn't complain.

But what pained me the most is the look on her face when she saw Katherine. It's like her whole world crashed around her, I can see the defeat in her eyes, her most outspoken insecurity - me finding someone 'better'.

I really wanted to tell her Katherine was just an acquaintance, a stranger basically, but she didn't want to talk, I'm sure it's because James was sitting across from her.

It's been an hour since lunch with Katherine and seeing Kat, I texted her and called her but she didn't answer or reply. I didn't think this would affect her so much. But then again it's Kat, Kat is a body of innocence constantly thinking the worst is dawning upon her.

I just wanted to clear the air so I can spend nice quality time with her. I missed her. Her smile, her giggles, her small body that fit mine perfectly.

5 days for us felt like an eternity and I hope she felt the same way I did.

I just didn't want her to shut me out, I don't want her to think of any bad scenarios in her head and I definitely don't want her it trusting me. I wanted her trust, I thrived off it. It made me feel amazing knowing her trust was in the palm of my hand and I was protecting it with dear life.

I bit my thumb nail, staring at my unlit phone screen. I just wanted a text, a call, telling me she was okay - we were okay. I knew we were but I needed reassurance.

After minutes turned into hours of staring at my phone I decide to just go to her place - she's either there or not. Let's hope she is.


I knocked on the door several times, my knocks turning into light bangs. I stood out her door for 17 minutes before giving up and just sticking the spare key in and going inside.

The lights are off when I step in, the place cold. I go to turn the switch on, checking if her car keys were in the key bowl. They weren't.

I walked to her room, empty. I sighed, running a hand threw my hand. I walked back to the living room, plopping down onto the couch.

She had to come home, from wherever she was. I closed my eyes, trying to pray she comes home within the next 5 minutes before I grow even more impatient.


I stir in my sleep as I hear the doorknob jiggle, I instantly sit up, waiting for the door to open.

Once it does, Kat freezes, her eyes staring into mine before looking down at the ground.

"Kat-" I say standing up and making my way to her. I put my hands on her shoulders, kissing her forehead.

"Where've you been? It's been - 7 hours." I say looking at my watch. She gulps, her eyes staring at my shirt.

"I was at work." I nod, completely forgetting that she could have been at work.

"I've missed you, babe." I say gushing at her as I bring her into my chest, her small dainty hands clinging to the sides of my shirt.

"About earlier - it's not what it looked like. Katherine - she's a friend, less than that. I met her at the dog park and then she wanted lunch to hang out so I agreed." I rush out, trying to read her expression.

"She's very pretty." Kat whispers, her eyes glossing over.

"She doesn't compare to you, no one does. You know that and I know that." I say placing my finger under her chin so she can finally look me in my eyes.

"She was your 'errands'? Did you guys-"

"I had errands earlier in the day, I cleaned and picked up groceries and stuff for Maxie. She texted me after that asking if I wanted to go with her to lunch and I agreed." I explain.

"You guys exchanged numbers.." Kat whispers and I nod slowly. "I wasn't going to give it to her but she said she just wanted to be friends so I saw no harm."

Kat nods slowly, her bottom lip inbetween her teeth.

"James wanted the same thing - to get lunch after the gym.. If you were wondering." Kat says and I nod.

"I didn't question you because I trust you. I know you wouldn't cheat on me. You have my 100% trust Kat, why don't I have 100% of your trust?" I ask, Kat looks down at her feet then back up at me.

"I do trust you."

"Obviously not, baby. You thought the worst immediately." I say softly, I didn't want to argue with her, there was nothing to argue.

"It's just - she's so pretty. You can get any girl you want and yet you settle for me. I don't get it." She says shaking her head, one single yet escaping her eye. "Plus I'm a crybaby." She says chuckling a little.

"I only want you. I don't know how many times I have to tell you to get it through your pretty little head. Your it for me. Your all I want. All I need and I don't want you constantly worrying about me going off with another girl. And for the crybaby thing - I will gladly let you cry on my shoulder - any time of day, for the rest of my life." I say caressing her cheek, she nuzzles her face deeper into my palm, her eyelashes fluttering.

"Your too good for me." She whispers and I shake my head. I hated when she said that.

"No I'm not, your perfect for me."

"Thank you Ashton.. F-For swallowing the words I've ever spoken to you. I - You make me a better person." Kat stutters, entwining our hands together.

"We make each other better people." I say giving her hand a squeeze.

"I love you." She says quietly and I nod, my eyes scanning her beautiful face.

"I love you so much."


Does anyone like the new cover? I like it:-) how are you guys liking the past few chapters?

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