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I was confused, yet in complete awe. Ashton confuses the hell out of me and this tops it off.

What was the occasion? Why make a normal Sunday into something? I mean this is extremely sweet, never had someone gone out there way like this for me and I never dreamt of someone doing this for me, it definitely got my inner girly girl fangirling just a tad bit.

After we finished our breakfast we just sat, I picked through the fruit and Ashton basically swallowed half the whip creme can. My heart grew fonder for Ashton when he gave me the strawberry milk. It was very rare for someone to remember the small details about me but for him to do so randomly just - ugh - I can't explain it really but it makes me feel good. But then in the back of my head this felt fishy, maybe because it's random or the fact that a couple days ago Ashton told me he emptied out my house and kept all my stuff in my car, I still didn't know how I felt about that...

"You sure this isn't a cover up for a secret you want to throw on me or some type of bad news...? Are you kicking me out?..." I question Ashton, breaking the peaceful silence.

Ashton laughs a boisterous laugh and shakes his head, a bit of whip creme on his top lip.

"It really isn't, I swear. I just - I woke up wanting to do something for you and hey, what's the harm? You are my girlfriend." He says smirking at the end and I end up shaking my head, my hand going to push a stray of hair out my face.

"Still don't understand that." I mumble, hoping Ashton didn't hear. He hates when I talk down to myself but it's kind of a habit, I've been doing it my whole life.

"I heard that." Ashton grumbles, playfully scolding me as he tilts his head back, placing the tip of the whip creme and filling his mouth, some spewing out.

I sigh contently and look around the park, 3 kids playing around but definitely not anymore than that, it was still only 8 in the morning.

"Can I ask you a question?" Ashton says, making me bring my attention back to him.

I give him a small nod, waiting for his question. Not going to lie, my heart beats faster at the anticipation of his question.

"Hows your relationship with your family?" He says, leaning forward on the table, crossing his arms.

"Uh well... I speak to my mother when I have to, as does she. My brother and I are close but we don't talk on the phone either. Ever since the passing of my father and stuff I instantly distanced myself from my mom and brother because I always felt like they resented me because I always sided with my father... I don't know.." I say realizing I spoke way more than I thought I would about my family to Ashton.

"Why would they resent you for that?"

"I don't know... When I was younger my father would get anything for me, I never asked for things but he would just give me things because I was his little girl, his only girl. I remember my mom complaining to my brother on how she doesn't get anything because I get everything... I was saddened by this because I felt like my own mother was like... in a sick way... jealous of me... But I couldn't do anything about it, I mean I was a child and I loved my father dearly. My mother and I never talked about the issues, we'd always brush them under the rug. I spoke about it with my brother maybe once but he said that there's no way a mother can be jealous of her daughter but it's possible I mean, lots of parents kill their children for crazy reasons..... Y'know?" I say and take a deep breathe, my eyes strained on my hands that lay flat on the table.

Where did that all come from? I haven't thought of bringing any of this up but it just started spurting out... Maybe that's what I needed? To vent? To let my past go?

"Yeah, I get it." Ashton says and I look up at him, his eyes roam my face, a small reassuring smile on his lips.

"I'm glad your more willing to open up to me.." He says reaching across the table to grab my hands, he intertwines our fingers but I keep mine straight out, not wrapped around his hand.

"Yeah." I mumble, looking towards the practically empty park.

"Another question." Ashton says and I turn back to him, an exasperated sigh leaves my lips and he grins at me.

"Why don't you like holding my hand?" He says and I shrug, my eyes going back to our hands.

"I don't like the thought of being held back or constrained... I don't know... It's weird because I can hug a few people but grabbing someone's hand... It's too much..." I say and watch as Ashton's thumb rubs against my skin.

"Plus I have clammy hands." I mutter and Ashton chuckles. "That you do."

I scoff at him, pulling my hands free. He stops chuckling, a grin on his faces "I'm kidding, I don't mind." He says shrugging.

I push a stray hair out of my face, bringing it behind my ear.

"Remember when you wouldn't even let me look at your eyes, you'd go everywhere with those damn Ray-Bands." Ashton chuckles and I nod, the smallest of smiles on my face.

"Yeah... I wish I never showed you my eyes." I say raising a brow at him and he smiles at me, leaning farther up the table.

"You speak lies."

"I really don't." I say trying to play it off. He rolls his eyes and fully goes over the table, pecking my cheek kind of roughly, due to his swift body movement.

"Maybe we should go back home...?" I say after my cheeks had turned a definite red color.

"Sure but first..." Ashton says standing up and coming around the table, he grabs my hand and lifts me up.

"What are you doing Ashton?" I ask confused as he drags me towards the small forest with large trees, just near our table.

He ignores me as he continues to pull me through a few trees and bushes, he stops directly infront of a large tree, specifically the biggest one.

"What are you doin-"

"We have to carve our initials." He says simply, grabbing his pocket knife from his back pocket. This man was as corny as it gets.


"Because it's what cute couples do... And besides I needed a good destination to ask you out." He says and I furrow my eyebrows.


"Will you Kat Greene, be my girlfriend?" He ignores my question.

"But I thought I was? I'm confused..." I say, pouting alittle. Told you he was confusing.

"I never asked you out properly. So now I am, so what do you say?" He asks grinning at me and I blush at him, he was ridiculously cute.

"Uh yeah of course." I say rather blandly. He smiles at me, turning to face the tree he begins carving our initials.

'A.I + K.G' is written in what kind of looks like a heart but could be easily passed for the poop emoji.

"Now to finish the morning off." He says turning to me, surprising me as he puts both of his hands on my cheeks and smashing our lips together.


Well I think that was pretty cute! I get the feels even when I write! Ahah :-)

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