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My face hit the hotel bed with a slap, my arms are spread and my legs dangle off the edge.

I hear Ashton chuckle slightly as he lays next to me, on his stomach as well, except he keeps his chest up by putting pressure on his elbows. I know he's dying to talk. For me to talk.

But I don't, because I'm a pussy. The room is silent and I really want to sleep but I know Ashton would say something about me sleeping at 5 in the afternoon.

"What do you want to do?" Ashton asks breaking the silence and I shrug, glad my eyes are closed so I didn't feel completely nervous under his stare.

"We should sleep." I mumble and Ashton chuckles again, his head nudging with mine. I can feel his breath on my face, his nose nudging with mine. I don't dare open my eyes, knowing his would stare intensely back.

"Babe," he elongates like a child, keeping his head right infront of mine, his lips hovering over the corner of my mouth.

"What?" I ask innocently, Ashton doesn't respond, instead he pecks the corner of my mouth a couple times, leaning lower to get my whole mouth, but he can't with the way I'm angled.

I giggle at his attempt of reaching my lips, my eyes opening to see him pout. I lift my head, quickly pecking his lips then going back to the position I was in before.

"Don't do that to me." Ashton says and I laugh, my eyes opening to see a beautiful smile on Ashton's pink lips.

"Seriously baby, don't you want to do something?" He asks, his hand on my waist, his thumb caresses my exposed skin.

"I'm too lazy," I say turning slightly so I'm on my side, facing Ashton.

"Cmon," he elongates once again, "Let's go walk around the town or get a drink - let's have a date night." Ashton says with excitement in his eyes. He was always the adventurous one. He always wants to be active, his personality was bright and friendly. The complete opposite of mine.

I'm an introvert. I like silence and sleeping - well before the nightmares. Ashton and I were - are so different, I don't see how we work. I guess maybe we balance each other out, he brings the excitement and when it's gets too rowdy I bring us down, I'm the calm after his storm.

"Sure." I respond, with a small smile. It's not that I am faking my love for Ashton or anything like that it's just... I put him before myself, before everything. I'd want to make him happy in a heartbeat even if it means either faking mine or doing something I don't feel like doing.

I do it all for him. I could never say no to him. Ever since the day I met him, his constant pestering, I could have kicked him out my life in a second. But I didn't, because strangely enough - he wanted to be in mine.


"So... When we get back.. I was thinking maybe we can go and see my family..?" Ashton asks, his eyes go from his drink to me and I want to slap him for doing this.

He purposely made me have a couple drinks before popping the question, that cheeky bastard.

"Your family?" I ask, my throat suddenly feels dry even though I had a blood Mary in my hands. I never pictured meeting his family. I was terrified.

I know for a fact they wouldn't like me.

"Yeah, we can go down for a weekend, see how they are - I can finally introduce you to them.. Then boom - we come back and it's over." Ashton says like if it's that easy.

I'm sure it could be easy but with the way my life has been going - it won't be that easy.

"Cmon Kat - what's holding you back?" Ashton asks, he leans closer to me, which I appreciate.

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