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Ashton's POV

I carefully carried Kat to my bedroom, her body limp in my arms. After we ate we watched two movies - turns out I was watching them more than her.

"Why do people make these movies?" She asks in between a yawn. "They suck." She adds, her body instantly falling more into mine, my arm going around to pull her closer to me.

"Well they don't think they suck - or they know they suck and figure it's in all good fun." I say shrugging and she hums in response.

That's what I loved about us. Our little moments, when nothing was above or below us. We were just there in our togetherness. Me and her. No world. No problems. No nothing. Just us. That's how I liked it.

I gently placed her on one side of the bed, her body instantly curling up to the pillow next to her.

"Ashton," she mumbles in her sleep. I stare at my sleeping beauty, her eyes moving under there lids. Her hair flowing behind her. She was beautiful. She was mine.

"Ashton," she repeats again as I climb in on the other side, pulling her into my chest. Her hands were clammy as I placed them on my chest, my hands dropping to her waist.

"Whe-re," she mumbles again and I furrow my eyebrows. Now I was getting worried. Her eyebrows were knit together, she was starting to perspire and her breathing was getting faster.

"Ashton." She whimpers and I instantly put my head in the crook of her neck, mumbling a quiet 'sh'. I never known she had nightmares but looking at her right now, I don't think I want to see her have any more.

She continues to whimper, her eyes moving under her closed lids, she pushes me away slightly, her head turning to the other side.

I try to not think too into it and blame it on the nightmare she's having.

I can't tell whether I should wake her up or not. I'm sure your not suppose to wake a sleepwalking person but someone having a nightmare? I wasn't sure.

Kat stopped whimpering after a while, instead she just tossed back and forth before finally laying on her back, facing me.

I continued to stare at her face, her breathing finally evening out. Her arms on the sides of her body, her bottom lip slightly pushed out in a pout.

I slowly lean over to her, pecking her lips ever so softly before moving up and leaving a kiss on her damp forehead.

"Ashton," she says again but this time her eyes are open, her eyes sort of glossy.

"Baby, you okay?" I ask quietly. She gulps, nodding as she moves closer to me.

"Do you always have bad dreams?" I ask quietly and she shakes her head.

"No - how'd you know?"

"You kept saying my name then you were whimpering and sweating and tossed and turned and you never do that." I say and she sighs.

"I thought you left me." She says quietly and I move to look at her, my eyebrows furrowed.

"In my dream... You left me a-and you didn't tell me why." She says licking her chapped lips. My hand instantly goes to her chin, caressing her jawline.

"I would never leave you." I say and attach my lips to hers, in a soft slow kiss. Kat's hands go to my cheeks.

I feel a bit of dampness on my cheek and pull away to see Kat with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry...it just felt so real." She mumbles, wiping away her tears. I grab her hand, pushing it away as I wipe away her last stray of tears.

"Well it's not because I'm... so... in love ...with you." I say quietly and slowly, I want her to know just how much I love her.

"I love you too." She responds quietly. I kiss her forehead one more time before pulling her into my chest, her face in my neck.

"Get some rest baby." I say and she nods, her arms holding my torso as our legs entangle together.


I woke up on my stomach, a light weight on my back. I lift my head slowly, turning to see Kat lying flat on my back, her hands wrapped around me tightly, her hair tickling my shoulder blades.

I sigh contently, plopping my head back down on my pillow, my eyes closing again.

Maybe a couple more hours of sleep would do.


The second time I woke up I was on my back, Kat straddling my hips as her chest was touching mine, her nose nudging my neck.

I raise my hands to her back, rubbing lightly.

"Someone's a wild sleeper.." I mumble and Kat raises her head to look at me, her eyes blinking multiple times.

"I know right, you wouldn't stop moving." She says rolling her eyes and I grin at her, a small smile on her lips

"So are you okay?" I ask suddenly, I needed to make sure she was alright. I wanted her to communicate with me. If she barely talks to me about her 'mom' situation she definitely wouldn't talk to me about her dream - in depth.

"Yeah.." She mutters, laying her head back in the crook of my neck.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" I say quietly, my hands rubbing up and down her spine.

"I know.." She says, her finger tips trailing my collar bone.

"I'll always be here, you know." I say and she nods, and for once I have to say that that gesture is enough for me,

For now.

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