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I woke up with the worst hangover, probably the worst I've ever had. The even worse thing is that I remember everything that happened last night, everything that was said. I kind of wish I was too drunk to remember so I can avoid the lingering conversation Ashton and I are yet to have.

I groaned in my pillow multiple times, not wanting to leave the room, knowing Ashton was out there. It was already 3pm and I can hear him in the kitchen, I think he purposely slammed pans together to get me up, he even knocked at my door at noon, but I just pretended to snore so he can think I was still asleep.

After staring at the white ceiling for a while, I got up from the bed, my head aching at the sudden movement. I open the door silently, tiptoeing to the bathroom.

I lock the door and begin to wash up. My teeth, my face, my hair. I heard Maxie pawing at the door so I dried my hands off and opened it, she barks at me and I pet her quickly, walking to the kitchen.

I entered it quietly, unsure of where we stood at the moment. "Your finally up." Ashton chuckles and looks at me before stirring something in a pan.

"Yeah, I have the worst hangover." I say , opening to fridge to grab a water bottle. "There's Advil on the counter." Ashton says nodding his head to the direction in where they sit.

"Thanks." I mutter, opening the bottle and pouring two little pills in my hand.

I throw them back into my mouth, the water bottle attached to my lips in seconds.

I turn around to lean my butt against the counter and jump when I see Ashton closely staring at me.

"Scared me." I mutter quietly and Ashton cracks a small smile, it quickly disappears. He makes a face, looking at the floor then back at me, I knew that face. He wanted to tell me something or ask, one of those two.

"Are you good? Like about yesterday?" He asks, his toned arms crossing over his chest.

"What do you mean?"

"What was said, what was done. To be clear, you kissed me first." He says jokingly and I blush, my eyes averting to the floor.

"Yeah... Um sorry bout that." I mutter, putting the water bottle to my lips.

"Oh, don't apologize. I enjoyed it, last night, I enjoyed all of it." Ashton says smiling at me and I chuckle dryly, my hand coming to push a fray frizz out my face.

"Well, I'm.... It was... Nice, erm different." I say slowly, I did enjoy it, except for the times I embarrassed myself.

"Yeah, so you remember the conversation we had right... At the end of the night." Ashton says sticking his hands in his front jean pockets, I avert my eyes from his pants to his face.

"How could I forget." I chuckle awkwardly again, my hand comes up to scratch my neck.

"Well, yeah. Did you like think about anything that I said?" Ashton asks biting his lip, he watches me intently and I wonder how he's not flustered and nervous.

"Not really, I mean I was drunk so how much could I comprehend, you know." I shrug and take a sip of my water.

"Your trying to blow this off, I know it. And I won't let you, not this time." Ashton says taking a step forward and I furrow my eyebrows.

"No I'm not, I don't even know why your trying so hard." I say shaking my head.

"Because Kat, I want yo-"

"Why?" I cut him off, I didn't want him to say everything a girl wants to hear I want to hear the real shit, if there's any.

"What do you mean why? I can't like you? Is it a crime? I'm sorry I find you amazing and beautiful, my bad." Ashton says sarcastically and I roll my eyes.

"But what I'm saying is that there's better girls out there then me."

"I hear what your saying, I heard you last night, I've heard you since I met you but I don't give a damn. I want what I want and what I want is you."

"I'm not an object." I roll my eyes, my cheeks red from what Ashton just said.

"I know your not, but I want you. Mind, body and soul."

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, a shaky breath escaping my mouth.

"I don't know why your fighting this, me." Ashton says quietly, he moves infront of me, both of his hands on my cheeks.

"I need one chance, that's it." He says and I bite my lip, contemplating.

"My whole life... I've been scared of rejection." I whisper, slowly opening my eyes to have Ashton's boring right into mine.

"Yet you've been rejecting me like its a piece of cake." He says and I sigh.

"Sorry." I mutter and put my hands on his hips. Ever since I met him, I could never say no could I?

"One chance."

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