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Ashton's POV

I watched as she trudged out the hotel room, her belongs under her arm. Sure I was a little upset but I would never want her to leave especially since she doesn't even know her way around Australia.

I sped walked to the door, hoping to still see her in the hallway.

I notice her waiting for the elevator. I let out a breath as I walk over to her, she turns her head and notices me.

Her eyes are red, her cheeks flushed, tears running down her cheeks. Damn, I fucked up.

"Babe, where are you going?" I decide to ask, stepping in front of the elevator doors.

"Somewhere Ashton, I want to be alone right now." She says, her voice hoarse.

"You don't even know your way around, just come back to the room - I'll get a new room or something." I say, reaching out to touch her cheek. Surprisingly she doesn't flinch away. She looks at me for a while before nodding and walking back to our room.

It's silent between us as I close the door, ready to get my bags and leave her be for the night.

She walks straight into the sleeping area, tossing herself in the bed.

I sigh, grabbing my bag and begin to make my way back to the door.

"Ashton-" Kat's voice calls, I instantly turn around at the sound of her voice.

"Stay." That's all I need to hear to drop my bags and make my way to the bed, scooting in next to her.

I go to grab her waist but she stops me, her eyes not meeting mine.

"No." I sigh, accepting her request of not touching her and turn around, facing the wall.

Let's see if I can get some sleep tonight.


Kat's POV

I woke up at 6 am, Ashton lightly sleeping beside me. I know I should have made him leave and sleep somewhere else but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I loved him dearly and I didn't want him to leave me.

Overall my mind was rattled up from our screaming match last night. We had never argued like that, we never yelled at each other like that, I didn't like it at all.

But I couldn't let the fact go that Ashton told his mother things I didn't want anyone to know. She probably thinks I'm a basket case. Who am I kidding? I am a basket case.

And besides Ashton was right, I do have poor judgment. All these things just give me more of a reason to break away from Ashton, he always deserved better.

I tried to hold in my whimper that came out my lips from the thought of leaving Ashton. I loved him too much to let him go - but I had to. He had so much potential, I was just holding him back.

"Baby?" He asks, I didn't even know he was awake. His hand lightly touches my shoulder, his face peaking over to see my face.

"I'm fine... Just something in my throat." I say pretending to cough, quickly standing up and going to my bag so I can change clothes. Even if it was 6 am.

"So we're back to this? Back to you holding back? Come on baby, tell me." Ashton says softly, his hands slipping around my waist, pulling my back to his chest.

I gulp and decide to say what's on my mind. "We should uh... I have decided to um..." I say slowly, my hands sweating.

"We should break up." I say quickly, shutting my eyes. I knew Ashton wouldn't like this - or maybe he would.

"What? No." Ashton says quickly, turning me around so I'm facing him. His eyes roam my face, his eyebrows furrowed.

"It's only fair-"

"That's not fair, how is that fair? I don't want to break up Kat, I'm in love with you, why the hell would you say this?" He says frantically, his hands squeezing my waist slightly.

"You and I both know you deserve better. I'm too much of a burden on you and it's just better for both of us." I say, shrugging my shoulders at him.

"Better for both of us? Kat - I don't want this. It was working perfectly fine till last night so it's obviously because you heard my mother and I talk."

"It's not... I just figured I was holding you-"

"Shut up, Kat. Honestly shut up. I love you so fucking much and I'm not letting you go. You can think all you want but I fucking love you and I fought too hard for you to leave me." Ashton says in my face, his forehead now on mine.

Damn, did I love him.

"Your mom probably thinks I'm a wer-"

"I don't give a fuck. I'm really damn sorry for telling her all your stuff but the only person I wanted to tell everything to was you and I couldn't because well... It was about you. And I never talked bad about you, I always told my mother how great of a person you are and how your the best person to be around. Honestly Kat." Ashton says, cupping my chin.

"You said I had bad judgement." I say pouting slightly.

"I said that but I didn't mean that. What I meant was that you see the good in everyone and don't realize they can hurt you - you use to put everyone first but never yourself." He was right on that one.

"I guess I overreacted." I mumble, my head slouching in his hands.

"No baby you didn't. I understand why you felt the way you did... I'm sorry - I hope you know that." He says staring at me intensely.

I nod which makes Ashton smile at me slightly, his eyes going from my lips to my eyes and I give a slight nod in a approval.

Like always, his nose id he's with mine. His lips crashing gently into mine as I cup his jaw, my fingers sliding over his stubble.

"I love you. I really do." He mutters against my lips which only gives me reassure to pull him closer to me, my hands going to his hair, his hands tightly gripping my waist.

"I love you too - so much." I reply back, placing my forehead on his.

"What does your mom think of me leaving yesterday?" I ask, I'm sure she thought it was weird.

"I told her you like to take long walks and that you asked me to meet you somewhere. I knew something was up because Lexie and Max said you ran out crying." Ashton says and my cheeks get pink and warm in embarrassment.

"Okay." I say and he nods, a grin on his lips.

"So... Today's your birthday..." Ashton says intertwining our fingers. I gotta, my head leaning on Ashton's chest.

"It's too early - plus I wasn't born till noon so let's go back to bed." I say pulling him towards our unmade bed.

"Will cuddling be allowed?" Ashton asks and I blush again, nodding my head at him.

"Of course."


Life tip: communication is everything! Lol so yeah it's all resolved and good in the hood! I wanted to add that argument to edge up the end of this book but I didn't want to elongate it till the end so that's that - time for some real gushy romance stuff that we all dream of from a guy, am i right ladies? Or is it just me? Lol

As always - happy reading! Xx

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