-𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙍𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨-

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        You stumbled out of the elevator, giggling your ass off

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        You stumbled out of the elevator, giggling your ass off. The guy you brought home kisses your neck and hugs you from behind.

        Turning around, you look at him and observed his features. He was gorgeous. You lean in and kiss him passionately. You run your fingers through his hair as he grips your hips.

        Suddenly, all the lights turn on. "What the fu-"

         "You better get out of here before I make you, pal." Steve threatened the guy with his arms crossed. With a shocked face, he sprang away from you and pressed the elevator button many times before finally going in and leaving.

         Your annoyance was evident in your expression. "Why the fuck did you just cock block me?" You growled.

         "You shouldn't be taking strangers home. You didn't know of his intentions," Steve said blankly before walking pass you.

          "I did know his intentions. To give me a good dicking," You retort. "And you don't do this to any of the others when they bring someone home."

         "I don't know what your talking about," He shrugs, acting clueless.

          "Thor brings home a new girl, maybe even two, almost every night," You laughed. "You don't go burst his fun. So tell me, Capsicle, why do you keep stopping me from getting laid?"

          "Maybe because I want you to keep the little bit of dignity you still have left," Steve scoffed.

           You saw red. Without thinking, you slapped him in the face. "Fuck you."

          "I bet you would if you had the chance..." Steve rolled his eyes as you walked away.

   It was the morning after. You had gotten no sleep last night. You would have thought that after so much drinking, you'd have crashed as soon as your head hit the pillow, but nope. You laid awake. Thinking about the dumbest shit.

"Woah, rough night. Huh?" Nat says as she walked into the kitchen. You simply nodded, not having the energy to actually speak. Nat chuckles and pours you a coffee. "Here,"

"Thanks," You finally respond.

"Morning, Nat," Steve smiled at her. Then he turns to you and his face became expressionless. Asshole. "Y/L/N, you're training with me today."

"It's Sunday, Steve," You grumbled.

"You missed yesterday's session," He said sternly. "You're training today."

"Oh yeah," Nat said. "Where were you yesterday, Y/N?"

"Where? I wasn't really sure. Monaco maybe," You bit your lip, remembering the sexy man you were with. "I do remember who I was with though. Alejandro. Thinking about his name gets me-"

"Be at the training center in fifteen," Steve said interrupting you.

"Right," You scoffed at him. "When Sam skipped a whole week of training because he had a spontaneous trip with, and I quote "four hot hunnies", in Barbados you didn't make him do extra training. I have been working my ass of Steve and I just decided to let myself have fun for a change-"

"Doing your job doesn't give you an excuse to be a whore!" Steve screamed, not thinking before he spoke.

Natasha's eyes went wide and she gasped. You looked at him, fury in your eyes. Before you knew it, your right hand smacked him in his face.

"Fuck you."

You stormed out the kitchen. Nat looked at Steve, shaking her head. "I'm disappointed in you, Rogers."

To Steve's surprise, you were waiting for him in your training gear.

"Let's train," You say gruffly.

You began to make your attack at Steve. He dodged your first few punches, but you slid your feet under him, causing his fall. He lands on the floor with a thump and you got on top of him about to punch the shit out of him, but you didn't.

"You would have been dead if I didn't stop," You muttered. Then you got back off of him and motioned him to get up. "Again."

Steve tried to prepare himself, but you were to quick. With the blink of an eye, Steve was against the wall.

"Once again, if I hadn't stopped myself, you would've been dead," You told him. Then let him go. "Again."

This went on over and over again. You putting Steve in a position where you could've ended him and letting him go.


"No!" Steve groaned. "I know what you're trying to point out."

"You know I'm good," You say proudly. "I work hard and train until I can't anymore. Not once have I ever failed you in a mission or compromised the team. Yet, you always pull shit like this and act like I don't deserve to be here. You call me a whore and say that I don't have any dignity. Why do you hate me so fucking much!?!"

"Because you're just like her!" Steve screamed back at you. "You're so perfect, in all that you do. You know how to command a room. Your heart is pure gold. And every time I look at you, I think of her. How perfect she was and how we never had our dance."

You were in shock. Knowing exactly who he was talking about. Peggy Carter. You've heard the stories about her and Steve. The love they held for each other and how fate so cruelly split them apart. Now you understood. You couldn't imagine being reminded everyday how you could never be with the person you loved.

Without thinking, you embraced him in a hug. Steve was shocked, but he gave in.

"I'm sorry about her," You told him.

Steve said nothing. He held you closer to him. Finding comfort in your touch.

𝘼𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now