-𝙋𝙞𝙚𝙩𝙧𝙤 𝙈𝙖𝙭𝙞𝙢𝙤𝙛𝙛-

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Thank You For Loving Me
TW: Sexual Assault

Thank You For Loving Me TW: Sexual Assault

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          Cold. Numb. Those were the only things you felt at the moment. During your mission, you had fallen into enemy hands. You were confident that you would make it out quickly, but things didn't work out that way.

Dried blood was all over your body. It marred your hair and ripped clothes. Your shirt barely clinging to your starved form, but you kept walking. You found a phone booth and dialed a code to connect you to HQ.

"Identification," Said a stern voice.

"Agent 0058," You said, your voice raspy from the lack of water. "Mission G327 is complete. Information retrieved."

"Sending a quinjet at collection point."

Sitting on the infirmary bed, you stared at the ceiling with lifeless eyes. Memories of the past two weeks kept flooding your mind. A single tear escaped you eye.

"Let me see her," Said a voice down the hall. It was Pietro.

"She's very sensitive right now," the doctor responded. "So please be mindful of that."

Without a second more, the door opened and he was at your side. His expression was shocked at the sight of you, but who could blame him? Your face and body was bruised all over, colors ranging from a dark purples, to yellow, and green. You weight loss was evident. But was he noticed most was the dullness of your once bright eyes that shone with life.

"Oh, Princessa," He said horrified. "What have they done to you?"

You masked your pain and put a smile on your face. "Just a couple of scratches. Nothing I can't handle, Piet."

Your attempt at making him laugh was futile. He took your hand gently, and kissed it. "You're okay now. You're home."

"I know," You replied. "I'm okay, really. I just- I'm not ready to talk about it yet."

He nodded understandingly. Pietro stayed by your side everyday at the infirmary until you were released. The only times he would leave were to shower or to get food then bring it right back to your bed side. He knew something very bad had happened, but he wouldn't push you to tell him.

"Tell us about the twins," The mans gruff voice demanded.

"There are a lot of twins in the world, you'll have to be more specific." You answered with a scowl on your face.

The man smack you across the face. You tasted the metallic tang in your mouth from your own blood. You spat it out and looked at the man, fearlessly, straight in the eyes.

"The Maximoff twins, you dumb whore!" He screamed at you. "Tell us what you know!"

"She's witchy, he's fast. Don't you watch the news?" This remark earned you another smack on the face, but you remained unfazed.

"Tell us what makes them tick. Their fears. Their weaknesses," another man said, coming out of the shadows. He was much smaller compared to the brute of a man that has been smacking you, but his eerie voice made the hairs at the back of your neck spike up. "Tell us everything you know about them. I advise you to do so. Or else I'll have this man have his way with you. But I must warn you, little girl, it's been quite a long time since he's handled a woman, and as you can tell, he's not gentle."

"Shove his small donkey balls in your asshole you fucking psychopath," You seethed at him. "I'm not telling you shit."

"I'll just fuck it out of you." The brute said disgustingly. He grabbed you by the neck and-

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. Your breathing was rapid and your heart was beating a marathon. Hot tears spilled from your eyes as you hyperventilated.

"Y/N," Pietro said calmly next to you. He reached out to soothe your back. "It's oka-"

You flinched back from his touch and you sobbed into your knees. You felt so dirty. Even after weeks, you still felt his grimy hands on your skin. Violating your most sensitive areas.

"It hurts so much," You weeped. "I c-can.. it's like he's still here. I can still fucking feel his disgusting-"

You couldn't even finish the sentence before your breath hitched. Your lungs felt like they stopped working. You tried to suck in for air, but it's like you forgot how to breath.

"Y/N," Pietro said panicking. "Inhale. Come on, my love. Please. It's okay. I'm right here with you."

You looked over at Pietro and stared into his piercing eyes. You felt a wash of calm flood through you. You reached on for his hand, and he took it, placing your palm on his heart. It was beating rapidly due to his worry for you, but it brought you comfort to know he was hear.

You closed your eyes and focused on his heart. Inhaling and exhaling slowing, calming you anxious nerves. Once you finally breathed normally, you opened your eyes and Pietro gave you a comforting smile.

"I'm sorry," You apologized, looking down shamefully.

"You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for," He said, tilting your chin up so you looked at him. "I don't know what you went through, and I won't push you to tell me until your ready, but know that I am with you, Princessa. It is me that should be sorry. For not being able to protect you like I should have. But that will never happen again. I will do everything in my power, even if it means ending it all, just to make sure you are safe. I am here."

You nodded with a whimper. You held your arms out and he wrapped his strong arms around your frame. He held you close to his chest, and you listened to the soothing beats of his heart.

You may carry this pain with you for the rest of your life, but it will be easier to haul this burden knowing that Pietro will be there to help you handle your baggage.

"I love you," He whispered lovingly in your ear.

"Thank you," You smiled at him, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. "Thank you for loving me."

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