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Sandwich Burglar

                               I sat happily on the kitchen island, ready to devour my amazing sandwich, when I realized I needed one more thing

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I sat happily on the kitchen island, ready to devour my amazing sandwich, when I realized I needed one more thing. Good ole potato chips. Hopping of the island, I go to the pantry to retrieve the last piece to a delicious meal. But just my luck, an asshole had put them at the very top shelf. Who the fuck puts chips at the very top. That's suppose to be with cereal. I try and reach up, even jumping, to try and get them. No luck. As I was about to start climbing the pantry, a helpful person gets them for me.

                "Thank you!" I tell Thor happily, kissing him on the cheek. I turn back to my sandwich, then I noticed that it was gone. I look back at Thor and see him holding MY sandwich. "You little turd."

                   Thor take a bite of the sandwich looking confused. "Are you alright, darling? Why do you look mad?"

                   "That. Is. My. Sandwich." I frown. "I haven't eaten the whole day and you eat my sandwich."

                     "Oh shit." He says, putting it back on the plate. "Baby, I'm sorry. It was on the counter and nobody was there. I thought was up for grabs."

                     I shake my head frustratedly. "Nonono.  You don't just eat a random sandwich on the counter. You didn't make it so it wasn't yours. Sandwich stealer. I am thoroughly annoyed at you. You have eaten my sandwich and crushed my spirit. We won't be having sex for two weeks."

                      "TWO WEEKS!?!?" He asked shocked. "Darling, I only took two bites of the sandwich. You're overreacting."

"No," I said stubbornly. "Two bites equals two weeks."

                      He walks over to me and kneels on the floor. Thor hugs me and placed his head on my stomach. " I am sincerely sorry for causing interruption on your feeding, but please don't punish me that harshly. I will do anything for your forgiveness, my dearest love."

                 " Maybe I have something in mind." I hum.


                     I sat happily on the bed braiding Thor's hair. It's a calming activity that I love doing but Thor hates because he's tender headed, and I braid hard. "Oww, darling that was a hard tug." Thor whined.

                    "Shush," I say softly, a smile on my face. "When you take these out, your hair is gonna be so curly."

                   "Out of all the things you could've asked me to do, this is what you wanted." He sighed. 

                  I shrug. " This is the one thing to never let me do. I could ask you to build me a palace made of diamonds and you'd do it in three days, but you won't let me braid your hair for an hour or two."

                  " My head is tender to plaiting," he pouts. "You're the only one I'll ever grant this privilege because I love you."

                      I finish up the last braid and sit in the floor with him. I peck him on the lips. " I love you too, Sandwich Burglar. Your crimes have been forgiven." 

                  He smiles at me and pulls me to his lap. "Finally." He kisses me passionately and lifts me up. Thor plops me on the bed and he takes off his shirt. "Notes it's my turn to have fun."

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