-𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙍𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨-

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Kind Heart

                  "Why the sour face?" I asked Steve

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                "Why the sour face?" I asked Steve. He's been staring off into space for a long time. "You know, it's okay if you don't want to go. I know Buck is pushing you to but-"

                     "No," He interrupts with a small smile. "It's not that. I was just in deep thought. I'm just glad you'll go with me. Most of the time Bucky tries to set me up with a girl and she just ditches me for him. I know you won't because you're one of my best friends."

                      I nod. "Of course." The reason that I wanted to go with Steve was not just because he's my best friend, but also because I've had a massive crush on him for the longest time. I don't care that he's smaller than all the other boys, he's got the kindest heart in all of New York. But I know he'll never see me in that way. I think he thinks of me as a sister.

                       Me and Steve were at the park, having our daily walk. Both of our families have been effected hard by the war, so walks like these help a lot because of how much we relate to each other. It's nice to have someone I can talk to about everything.

                      "Hey there, pretty girl." A voice behind me said. Me and Steve both look around to see Jackson Marcel.

                         "Oh. Hey Jack." I greet. He walks next to me and puts an arm over my shoulder.

                          "What're you doing with this charity case, y/n." Jackson sneered.

                       I take his arm off of me. "That's so rude, Jack. Steve is my friend. You shouldn't say things like that about people."

                      "He's barely a person, y/n. Look at him, he looks like a skeleton-"

                       "Stop it, Jack." I say sternly.

                       "Y/n, it's okay." Steve said putting a hand on my shoulder. "I can handle myself."

                        "Sure you can, Elf." Jackson laughed.

                        "Don't call me that." Steve said assertively.

                       "What're you gonna do about it, wimp?" Jackson mocked shoving Steve.

                      "Don't shove him!" I tell Jack, getting in between the two.

                      "You're such a loser, Rogers. You've got a girl defending you."

                       "I don't want to pick a fight with you, Jackson." Steve said calmly.

                         "Wouldn't be much of a fight." Jack shrugged.

                       "Just leave, Jack. You're not doing any good by being here." I said heatedly.

                        He scoffs. "I'm out of here. Rogers isn't worth my time anyways. I'll see you around, pretty girl."

                      Jackson walks away and once he was out of earshot, I ranted to Steve. "What an idiot. What was he thinking?!? Walking over here thinking he could just start to insult you."

                    "He didn't come here for me," Steve said.

                   "Then why else would he have done that?" I asked him.

                Steve smirked. "He came for you. He wanted to look all tough and macho. He likes you, you know."

                 "Jackson Marcel? Like me? Please. All the cheerleaders love him. Why'd he want to be with me." I laughed.

                  "You're beautiful. You're also smart and funny, which is something all those popular girls don't have." He shrugged.

                   "As if," I laughed. "I'm not half as pretty as all those girls."

                   "I think you are." Steve smiles at me.

                  I blushed. "Thanks, Steve."

                "He did have a point though," He said.

               "What do you mean?" I asked confused.

                "Why a girl like you hangs around with a guy like me. I mean, look at me."

                 "Hey," I tell him. "That's no way to talk about yourself. So what your skinny? You're still handsome in my eyes and you're the kindest person I've ever met."

                 He looks at me and smiles. "You're too nice to me."

                I smile back at him. Maybe I should tell him how I feel. This seems like the right moment. "I-um. I have to tell you something," he nods in response. "I like you, Steve. I have liked you for so long. I know you probably think of me as a sister and all but-"
                 "No, not at all!" He exclaims. "I-well, you are very near and dear to my heart, but I don't think of you as a sister. I've had feelings for you too. I just never thought you'd like someone like me."

                  I blush at his words. Omg, he likes me back. "I don't know what to say. I didn't expect you to like me back."

                  "Are you serious? Look at you. You're amazing. Any guy would fall for you," he exclaimed, blushing more. "Will you go on a date with me?"

                    "I thought you'd never ask, Rogers," I say with a smile. "Yes, I'll go on a date with you."

                    "I'll pick you up tonight at eight." He smiles.

                     "See you then." I tell him. I give him a kiss on the cheek and went to go home.


𝘼𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang