-𝙇𝙤𝙠𝙞 𝙇𝙖𝙪𝙛𝙚𝙮𝙨𝙤𝙣-

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          You sat in the gardens

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You sat in the gardens. Waiting for your love to come. Every Wednesday afternoon, you two would sit and just talk. Sometimes, you would lay your head on his lap and he'd read to you. But this Wednesday was different.

You had been waiting for quite a while. Sure, he's been a couple minutes late before. He is a prince, after all. He has duties, but this is the longest he ever kept you waiting. Nonetheless, you waited patiently.

Soon, the sun began to lower and the moon rose in it's place. The stars shined in the sky, illuminating the glistening tear that had started to stream down your face. You wiped it quickly and stood up to leave.

As you walked back inside, you heard footsteps behind you. You turned to see Loki with a beautiful girl clinging to his arm. She had eyes brighter than a blue sky on a sunny day. She was mesmerizing.

Your heart aches as he smiles at something she says. She giggles in response. You didn't realize you were staring until both of their gaze captured yours.

Guilt could be seen on Loki's face, but the girl by his side smiled at you cluelessly.

"Y/N," He said, curtly greeting you.

"Prince Loki." You said as you curtsied. A formality you don't usually partake in. Loki has told you long ago how he felt uneasy when you were formal with him. He doesn't like how you act as though you don't know him, when you have explored every inch of each other's bodies.

"Hello," the girl smiles at you. "I have heard so many things about you in court. They have done an injustice describing you as you are more beautiful than I had imagined. No wonder you have captured Prince Thor's heart! I am Sigyn."

You were stunned at her accusations. "P-prince Thor?"

"Oh yes! It is well known how the handsome Prince blushes at the mention of your name. They say he gazes at you with such adoration when you walk into the room."

You look over to see Loki's expression. He looked as though as though steam was coming out of his ears. You can tell that it's taking all of him to not say that her words are ignorant.

In truth, Thor has shown signs that he is very much attracted to you, but you had never shared his feelings. You had somehow ended up falling for the raven haired Prince instead. But at this moment, it seemed like a big mistake. They had warned you of his tendency to lose interest quickly. Changing girls like garments. You turned a blind eye at all the rumors.

"I-um," You day blushing. "I apologize for my embarrassment, my lady. This is the first I've heard of these accusations and pardon me for having a hard time to believe them to be true."

Sigyn giggled at your flustered state. "You are so humble. That is a very flattering trait. I can tell that we will get along well. We might become sisters, after all!"

"Sisters?" You say confused. Loki's face turned regretful. His eyes glued to the floor.

"I am betrothed to this dashing man beside me," she said cheerfully. She holds his hand and looks at him lovingly. "It will only be a matter of time before Thor asks to court you and eventually ask for your hand. I have a knack at guessing who will be a good pair, and you and Thor would just be darling!"

You stared at her speechlessly. "Sigyn," Loki said with a smirk. "I have some secret matters to discuss with Y/N. I'll catch up with you further on, my love."

Sigyn nodded and kissed him on the cheek. She left you and Loki with a dutiful pace. Once she was out of sight, Loki grabs your hand and takes you to the garden.

You snatched your hand away from his grudgingly. "Please do not touch me, Prince Loki. It does not comfort me when you do so."

"Don't speak like that, Y/N. You know I don't like it," He says sadly. You say nothing. "I am betrothed-"

"I heard. I was there with you and your fiancé just a moment ago," You say with a smile. "I hope your future to be filled with happiness and satisfaction."

"You know my future will be none of those things without you, Y/N," He says confidently. "This match was not my choice. It is the choice of my father. I will find a way out of it."

You could see the hope in his eyes, but you shared none of his optimism. "You couldn't even send someone to tell me you weren't going to meet me this afternoon. How could you stop an engagement that the All Father has declared? I will be blunt with you when I say that I hoped of a future for us. Now I see that their can be no such thing."

"I'm sorry that I didn't meet with you-"

"I waited all afternoon till the sky was dark," You say embarrassed. "But none of that matters now. I feel so betrayed. My heart- my soul is in agony. Never have I felt such pain as this."

"My love," Loki said, trying to take your hands. You back away from him. It felt like a slap to the face to Loki rejecting his touch. "This was not my choice. It will not go through."

You shake your head. "Please don't call me that. You called her that. I feel like a fool."

"Don't give up on us so easily, Y/N." He asked you with pleading eyes.

"Was their ever an us in the first place?" You questioned him as a few years escaped your eyes. "From the start, you were adamant about our affairs to be hidden. You wanted no one to know of us-"

"Because people would've judged you."

"You of all people know I have never cared about the opinion of others. But I put my pride away and agreed to your terms because I truly do love you." You expressed to him.

"So you still love me so?" Loki said relieved. A small smile made his face.

"It will not be so easy to recover from your spell, Prince Loki. But I will heal in due time. I will not be kept hidden like some guilty pleasure. This will be the last we speak of "us". You are now betrothed and I have no intention in stealing another ladies husband to be. Goodbye, Loki."

It took all your strength to walk away from him. Loki stood in his place, tears began to leave his eyes. You wanted so badly to walk back to him, but you knew shouldn't.

Disregarding your brain, you followed your heart and turned back to look at him. His eyes lit up as you met his.

"I-" He began to say but you cut him off as you run to him and embraced him.

He was surprised by your actions but welcomed them. "We will not hide anymore, Y/N. I never knew you felt this way. I love you. More than I ever thought I was capable of. We will triumph through this, my Y/N."

"I wish I could hate you." You tell him frowning. He merely chuckled at your response.

           Loki held you throughout the night. Forgetting his promise to catch up with Sigyn. He cared about nothing else but comforting you. Making sure you knew you were loved.

𝘼𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now