Cel_is_a_girl: No Really, look Minis

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Request by:  Cel_is_a_girl Uh- Ima take this bit off my story-No ships Error and Nightmares gang jumped into the void (or got kidnapped by a portal) and end up in PJS daycare- Or Momma CQ Im not good at plots Q~Q

"You IDIOT!" Nightmare yelled at Error, his extra limbs shaking the Destroyer.

"How am I an idiot, I didn't ask for you all to follow?" Error asked confused.

Nightmare released his long time friend and made a keening sound in his mouth, Error didn't get it.

"You jumped into the void to die," Nightmare said.

"Well yes," Error said scratching his skull confused.

"Boss, we might want to move," Dust said, taking in the crowd of humans and monsters about.

"What?" Nightmare and Error said, annoyed there argument had been disrupted. Then realized they'd gained quite a few people.

"Lets leave," Nightmare said and started walking, the crowds quickly moved out of the way as the skeleton monsters moved.

"No Wait!" a voice called just as they went around a corner, the dark Sanses paused curious.

"Boss, please tell me I'm seeing things," Killer said, talking in the form that had followed them.

"No, your not. That is definitely a child Error," Nightmare said.

And since they knew there was only one Error in there multiverse...

They must be a very long way from home.

"Are you a time traveller! A robot!" Child Error crowed to his bigger counterpart.

"No?" Error said confused at the questions.

"Aww.... my dad?" Child Error asked hopefully.

The doom and gloom boys traded look, this was adorable and precious.

"Sorry kid, never married or had kids," Error told the child, the child Error dropped sadly.

"No fair..." child Error said pouting.

"ERROR!" a frantic voice called.

"Oh oh, Mr PJ," Child Error said looking embarrassed, moments later a Skeleton in a uniform and almost looked like they were made of paint rushed in.

"Error, you know your not suppose to run from the daycare..." PJ said then trailed off, taking in the bigger Error. "Are. You related?"

"No," Error replied.

"I see," PJ said.

Error was still confused, as Mini Error kept on finding him and then PJ convinced him to wok for him.

The others thought it hilarious.

Oh, and of course thought there minis adorable to.

But it was the fact all the kids stalked Error that was hilarious.

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