DarkMidnightDragon: Iron and Wires Part 2

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Requested by DarkMidnightDragon Irons and Wire part two, except this time, the others start finding out that there may or may not be something off about Blue. Like how they swore he hadn't slept in a week, or how he keeps pulling weapons out of no where (Geno was a paranoid person, okay?). Or the perfect Wi-Fi signal that seemed to move around with Blue, not that everyone exactly minds this. And oh my stars, did Blue's arm just turn into a gun- Meanwhile, Stretch is having a mid-life crisis because is Error his mom?-

"We're not near any cellphone towers are we?" Dream asked with a frown, looking at his mostly brick of a mobile.

"Far from it, did you forgot to add data again?" Ink asked, looking where he was setting up a picnic basket for lunch.

"He needs to replace his phone, new data won't help him," Blue said checking the messages on his own phone.

Why was pappy sending so many messages about a mom?

They didn't have a mom...

He'd have to ask when he got home.

"I'm getting a signal," Dream said bewildered, Ink then stared at his own phone surprised to see a full bar of signal.

"We're to far from towers to get a full bar," Ink said shocked.

"Wait.. the bar can be lower?" Blue asked confused looking up bewildered.

"That's just a normal phone right?" Dream asked Blue.

"Well yes," the answer of course was he never ran out of signal, as he was the signal.

"Maybe switch to his provider..." Ink muttered.

Blue wondered if he would have to create a provider to get out of this one.


"Wahh... no dad! Tell me if it isn't so," papyrus cried clinging to Blue.

"Pappy... what has you so upset?" Blue asked bewildered, he had no idea what had his sibling so out fo it the last few weeks.

"Blue... If Geno who is Error created you, does that make them our mom?" Papyrus asked wild eyed.

"Oh my stars! I owe Error several mothers days!" Blue said escaping Papyrus, he's make it up to his creator with chocolate treats.

"Blue.. no wait Blue, what about me?"

Blue was already gone.

Papyrus continued to have his breakdown.


"That's... one big dog," Ink said wide eyed, as a giant dog invaded the latest battle between the star Sans and the doom and gloom boys and wrecking both sides.

"Ow... what the heck Blue," Killer shouted, as Blue suddenly swatted Dust and himself with a giant metal fly swatter "Where did you even get that thing!"

"I like it, thanks mom," Blue cried happily, then swapped it out for a ball big enough for the dog and threw it.

"Ruff ruff!" it cried chasing it down.

"Run!" Nightmare ordered opening a portal, the three star sanses followed through there own portal.

"Where did you even find a ball that big.. or a fly swatter?" Dream asked staring at his friend.

"Mom was paranoid"

In Outertale Error sneezed, then dodged the heck out of there as Reaper spotted them.

"Mom?" Ink and Dream said bewildered.

"Bye, see you later," Blue said cheerfully, skipping through a portal home.

"Mom?" Ink said confused again.


"Ink.. just.. what AU did you create to have giant everything.. there invading everywhere?" Red hissed looking at the Creator. All he'd wanted was a fight against Error, the jerk was always stealing his chocolates and dumping chocolate in his AU.

A giant Sans stomped across the battlefields, so big everyone fleeing from his attacks and movements.

"Um.... Error?" Ink said confused to his counterpart, he was pretty sure he didn't have an AU with giants. Error was trying to keep a clingy Reaper away from his paused, looking ready to join the battle to escape the love.

"You don't, looks lie a virus warped them," He said squinting at the Sans, he barely flinched when Reaper placed a pair of glasses on his face.

Suddenly Blues right arm glowed.

Everyone gawked.

The giant Sans was shredded by high speed gunfire.

"A gun Gen?" Reaper asked more amused then anything, Error coughed and didn't reply.

"Can I get the color changed?" Blue asked bouncing over, looking at his new cool gun arm in interest.

"Maybe... if I Can remember how to change it," Error admitted.

"Does this mean I can get a Sword arm?" a random Sans asked.

"Quiet!" another hissed.

"I'm think I'm in love," Edge said staring at Blue in awe, that technique that damage, the classiness of a gun arm.

"Boss?" Red said in shock.

"Blue, I'll be right back. I have a pervert to kill," Error snarled, turning his ire on the monster ogling his ki... err friend.

Edge wisely fled Error hot on his tailbone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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