YamiYugiluv: An Ugly Soul

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Requested by  yamiYugiluv Dreamswap Dream ends up in the classic multiverse and has a confrontation with Nightmare


Nightmare knew this was Ink's fault.

A Fate damned alternate Dream had somehow found there way into his multiverse, one Dream was more then enough.


This Dream was not like his Dream.

His Dream didn't truly hate, cried at the stupidest thing and tried to save there brother who couldn't be saved anymore.



For this was not a Dream.

Dream was a being of positivity, was sane and blushed at a soulless being.

Dream was kind when other's were not.

This Monster made him look sane.

It kept ranting about stamping out all negativity, or making everything positive.

How they had to destroy there brother, kill him if possible.

That made Nightmare rage, he may be evil.

He may fight his brother.

But his twin was his.

Even though it looked like he tried to kill Dream multiple times, Dream was his...

His opposite, the balance to his negativity.

This being was talking about a genocide of all negativity.

While this so called Dream had eaten all the apples but two, he had never pulled himself back to sanity like he himself had done.

Even though the villagers were evil, there was no forgiveness for what Nightmare had done.

Sometimes he wished Dream had stayed a stone statue, so the other would not have to face all the evils.

And what was up with the wings?

Sure he was a goopy octopus yet his original body was hidden below it, but those wings were subtly... wrong in some way.

This creature wanted to continue there terror in there multiverse.

Nightmare would not allow the other to corrupt his dream.

"Sorry wings, but your not welcome here," Nightmare snarled, and drop kicked the invader back through the portal.

"The nerve..." Nightmare said scowling stomping away as the portal faded.

On the other side of the portal the meme team stared in awe as the footprint on Dreams behind.

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