ThatOneGayShipper2: Right of names Part 2

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Requested by  ThatOneGayShipper2 Next part of 'right of names' please lol

Wow... I looked back and realized part one was posted Mar 10, 2020, glad it finally got requested. Well, Officially that is. Lol

The word was out.

Error had a kid.

There was terror and horror, and no were not talking about Horror.

Then the thought came, if Fresh was the kid was Error was the mother...

Who was the freaking Father?

"Maybe Error has the ability of parthenogenesis?"Sci suggested, during one of the many 'good Sanses' meeting.

"No, that a horrible thought. That means he could have multiple children!" a random Sans said in the midst of a breakdown.

Que insert mass hysteria.

Dream had long fled, the negative emotions and terror too much.

Totally missed a Nightmare in the back row of chairs, totally enjoying the vibe.

"They know Fresh is adopted right?" Blue asked Nightmare, having sat down next to him to take in all the chaos.

"That would man using there brains," the king of Negativity said slurping his slushy.

"This is gold," Reaper snickered recording it all.


Lets leave this insanity for now.

"Aren't you going to stay for cake Voice," Blue said.

I said were leaving, darn 4th wall breakers.


"And then Whoosh," Fresh said, speeding through an explanation of his latest AU infection at high speed.

Error was pretty sure he... got most of the details.



Well, hopefully Fresh wouldn't ask anything on what he just said.

"Ma, do you think I could date him?" Fresh asked there host actually blushing.

Hell na...

Whoever dated his child must die!


"Is everything alright Gothy?" a gentle voice asked, the son of Death and a glitch blinked and smiled softly at who had spoken.

"I was lost is my thought, watching the stars remind me of the few precious memories I have of my mom," Goth admitted.

"I wish I could have met him," Palette said, Goth laughed sadly.

"You would have loved him, dad loved mom. I remember a picnic we went on before mom vanished, we stayed out so late we saw a starshower," Goth said fondly.

"I wish they'd been there for our wedding," Palette mused, holding his mates hand.

"Heh..." Goth said giggling at some thought.

"Whats up love?" Palette asked curious.

"Mom would have chased you off, he said no one could date his baby as no one was good enough," Goth responded.

"One day Gothy, we'll find your mom and your dad can be truly happy again," Palette promised.

"Okay..." Goth said sniffling a bit "Lets name this one Geno, like mom."

"One day Geno will meet little Geno," Palette promised, placing a hand on where there child grew.


His someone needed to die mental alert was going off.

Since Fresh was still going off about an alternate reality, it wasn't linked to him.

Wait... did that mean he had another kid out there.

"Ohhhh! A brag or a sistah?" Fresh asked eagerly.

Oops.. he'd said that out loud.

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