KattraKnit: Dates.. Nope

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Requested by  KattraKnit Okay Fire what if! Stretch caught Blue out on a date with Dust and tried to kill Dust only for Blue to get in the way. Error shows up because he made Blues bandana out of his strings to let him know if Blue needs help. Error calls in favors from Vita and Ink to get Blue back but the best they can do is a Baby. An plot happens.

There was something nice about someone choosing to walk beside you.

As an equal.

As a person..

As a maybe future lover?

They didn't see him as an innocent, of a child due to his size or looks.

They saw him as himself.

What more they made him smile, a true smile. Not the ones he pasted on is face, for those were forced by his brothers obsession.

Blue also accepted the other for who they were, it didn't matter there levels or the darkness in there soul.

Blue found himself falling more and more in love with Dust.

This was there sixth date, and he could say he was happy the way they were going.

"There is a movie coming out next week, do you want to see it?" Dust asked a slow smile on his face.

"Yes, I'd like that," Blue responded blushing, fiddling with his bandana as Dust leaned over to kiss him.

"GET AWAY FROM MY BROTHER YOU FREAK!" a voice screamed, they jerked away from each other in surprise as Stretch scream and sudden appearance.

"Brother, please leave," Blue said unhappily.

"How disgusting, I can't let such a creature take advantage of you," Stretch snarled angrily, and started throwing attacks.

It was instinct, Dust and himself were too close to dodge.

Dust looked in shock as Blue shoved him out of the way, as the bone spiked the tiny Sans body.

"BLUE!" Dust shouted.

"Dust... I'm sorry," Blue said as he collapsed, dust starting to fragment off his bones.

"No.. no..." Stretch cried, as he saw Blues fallen form.

"Stay still, I need to check your soul!" Dust said rushing over, but before he could glitching arms picked the blueberry up.

"Ruru?" Blue said weakly.

"Come, we don't have much time," Error said grabbing Dust, and vanished into a portal which closed behind them.

Stretch collapsed on the ground in shock.

"What have I done..." he cried.


"Oh my," Life or rather Vita said in shock as the error appeared with a skeleton that looked a bit shocky and another close to dusting.

"I need to collect a favour," the Destroyer said.

"Place him here," Vita said, pointing to a lush bed of flowers that had healing properties... and she admitted privately napped on a few times.

"What happened," she demanded, a look of hatred flashed over Errors face a she described what had happened.

"Only reason I knew something was wrong, is that I used some of my string when I made his bandana," Error told her, watching her like a hawk as the goddess did her best to save Blue.

"I don't know if I can heal him, his soul was damaged," Vita cried.

"Then we need another person," Error said unhappily.

"ERROR! You better not be here to destroy Reapertale!" a voice shouted, Vita and Error traded looks.

That worked too.


"Aww... so cute," Ink squealed happily, but pouted as Error slapped his skull.

"Be quiet squid, you and Vita turned him into a baby to save him and he needs sleep," Error said with a glare.

"Sorry," Ink whispered, then made a zipping motion as the goddess of life glared at him.

"Is there a way to turn him back into an adult.." Dust said quietly.

"Time," Vita replied gently.

"I really liked him," Dust replied.

"I'm sorry my child, it was this or Reaper claiming him," Vita told him softly.

"Why not just become a baby and grow up with him," Ink chirped.

"You could do that?" Dust asked surprised.

"Pff... easy, even easier as I don't have to piece your soul together like with Blues," Ink said bouncing a bit.

"Don't worry, I'll tell nightmare," Error told him.

"Just make sure we get good families," Dust finally said.

Years in the future:

"I feel like I Knew you even before i even met you," the young skeleton said blushing.
"Me too," the smaller one said also blushing.
"Oh! My name is Dust I'm here with my papa Ruru," the first skeleton finally said.
"I'm here with my mama Vita, my name is Blue."

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