NEO1ipia Positive Reinforcement

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Request by  NEO1ipia Would you do a one-shot where Dream in Shadowed Moon arrived at the tree earlier and joined Corruption to find Passive and when Dream comes face to face with Fate he somehow succeeds in killing her and freeing his brother Passive please? Thanks!

"Nightmare....." Dream said arriving back at the tree, to two... Nightmares.

One looked normal, the other not so much... but definitely felt like his twin.

Teary purple eyelights looked up.

"Dream," Normal Nightmare said.

"Why are there two of you?" Dream asked, he swore he felt a migraine appearing.

The two Nightmares looked at the tree of feelings then away, Dream turned and gaped seeing just a single golden apple there.

"What did you do!" Dream said voice dead.

"Got driven insane by the villagers and by pain, and ate almost all the apples," Goopy Nightmare responded dryly.

At this point, well... Fate kidnapped Passive just like in Shadowed Moon.

Dream swore... violently.

Corruption stared in awe, that would have made sailors blush.


"No, you cannot create a bad Sanses group," Dream told Corruption.

"But they could help keep the balance, and help us search for Passive," Corruption protested.

"No..." Dream responded.

"You could help Ink group, have them help too," Corruption suggested.

"Why would I want to join that Lunatic fighting the Destroyer?" Dream said bewildered.

In multiple multiverses other Dreams sneezed.

"You need hobbies Dream," Corruption finally responded after several minutes.

"Hobbies yes, stupid battles over overpopulation of AU's is not a hobby," Dream responded.

"I don't know, sounds kind of fun," Corruption said thoughtfully.

"No," Dream responded firmly, and repressed the urge to strangle the more annoying half of his twin.

"Aw..." Corruption sighed.

Must not strangle...


"Hi, I'm Ink," the creator said spotting Dream.

Ink who was in a middle of a battle with the Error.

Error facepalmed.

"We've met... multiple times..." Dream said dryly.

"Wow, really I must have forgotten. But join the Star Sanses, we have cookies," Ink said cheerfully.

Dream stared at the stupidity, as Ink literately pulled out a plate of cookies.

Oatmeal cookies.

He hated Oatmeal cookies.

Error meanwhile began to unravel the last parts of the AU, as Ink was... sidetracked.

"No..." Dream said voice dead as dead could be.

'I swear the multiverse wants me to join Ink for some reason?' Dream thought bewildered as he portalled away.


"Look Dream, this is the Destroyer Error," Corruption said voice filled with glee, Error had a just done with it look on his face.

"I noticed," Dream said dryly.

"We shared chocolate," Error finally said.

"You had chocolate without me!" Dream said hurt.

Corruption looked horrified, as he realized he forgot to save some fro his chocolate obsessed twin.

"Ha ha ha ha, we were just about get more," Corruption said edging away.

Dream began to swear like the hidden potty mouth he was, Error started taking notes.


"Huh, two moons," Dream said as they stepped into the AU, on there quest for chocolate.

And Error fell over to meet the ground face first.

"Er...." Dream said shocked.

"Passive! Yes! Your kidnapped self is badass!" Corruption said gleefully, as they saw Error had transformed into Passive.

"Ow..." Passive said, face still in the dirt.


Dream swore a Blue streak as white ribbons grabbed Passive, and pulled them through a portal.

"Hey!" Blue protested in his own AU.

Corruption and Dream leapt through the portal.

Que the giant spider fight.

"Funk this!" Dream snarled, censoring himself as Passive was there.

Ripped up a giant tree and used it as a fly swatter.

"Wait! How does that work?" Passive said from his tied up position.

"DIE DIE Motherf(beeeeeeep)," Dream screamed.

Slam slam slam slam!

And... Fate was defeated?

Yeah Defeated.

No one wanted to face the over stressed Dream again.

And they all lived happily ever after.

Well other then fate.

She made a lovely spider pancake indent.

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