CocoGalaxialCrystal: Swapping fates

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Requested by CocoGalaxialCrystal Fate messed up and only assigned Fates to the bodies of one of the "balances": themself and their counterpart. But because of that they could switch places (bodies). Oh, no, not Fate. Fate messed up and only fated their (the two people responsible for their "balance") bodies, not their souls/being. Sorry for confusion. The "themself and their counterpart" was added to prevent confusion, not make it. 😅 So, Fate messed up and instead of assigning a fate to that person, she assigned it onto their body instead. Worse, she did it to one of the multiverse's balances. So somehow they (person 1 responsible of balance) are able to go to their opposite's body (person 2 responsible of balance) and switch places. so body swap story where the duty is linked ot teh body not soul and ruru and kiki switch bodies?

There was something... off about the Creator and the Destroyer.

This was one thing both good and bad sides could agree.

They were weird as Funk.

Hey... go away Fresh.. darn forth wallers not letting the writers swear.

Then there rather.. split personalities.

Some days they didn't know if they'd be dealing with sugar high Ink or shy Ink, or Destructive Error or lazy as heck Error.

It was... stressful to say the least.

Thing was... it wasn't a split personality.

No.. it was something even more awkward and weird.

It was a bit embarrassing... for Fate that was.

She'd bound there duties to them... or rather there bodies.

Yes... there bodies.

Never ever doing that again, as the two of them had found ways around there jobs to 'make it fun'.

Lets bring up the fact it was linked to there bodies again.

As long as the other agreed, they could swap bodies.

Due to this everyone had Shy 'Ink' right now, and super lazy 'Error'.

Aka shy Ruru and Lazy Kiki as they called themselves.

Okay, she absolutely admitted Shy Creator was adorable, but Ruru as the Creator always became vacation time. She had no idea how they moved Kiki about, as they were soulless.

Just how?

Also why did they choose Ink and Error for there names?

Maybe she should take Destinies suggestion and take a vacation.

Creation and Destruction were already in vacation mode anyway.

No.. she was definitely going on Vacation.

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